Entwined - Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Shivaali felt lightheaded. She groaned and tried to open her eyes. Scrunching her eyes, she tried to ease the throbbing pain by blinking rapidly. Sighing shakily, she looked at the strange ceiling above and instead of panicking right away, she tried to recollect where she is.

Slowly the last day's incidents flashed before her eyes making Shivaali's eyes go wide. The way she escaped from her wedding, the way she got kidnapped, how she met Ashvath...wait, Ashvath! Where's Ashvath?

Lost in her thoughts, Shivaali tried to sit up but looked down when she felt something weighing her down. She saw a man's head lying on her chest making her jerk for a moment but she quickly realized by his features that it was Ashvath.

Calming her racing heart, Shivaali took her time to look down at Ashvath who's sprawled all over her, his head resting on her chest, his hand over her bare stomach and his leg over hers making her heart race again while a blush crept on her cheeks.

Shivaali couldn't believe that she saw Ashvath last night. When he held her from falling, her fear vanished because she knew he would save her and protect her. After years, she saw him up close. She hugged him for first time. Everything felt surreal to her.

Although it has been years since Shivaali proposed Ashvath and years since he left, her feelings for him remained unchanged. Shivaali's love for Ashvath was one among few biggest reasons why she didn't want to get married to her uncle's choice and ran away from her wedding. It was the same reason why she was to leave to Puducherry with Sakthi before she got kidnapped.

Yes, Shivaali was on her way to meet Ashvath. Even though she wasn't in contact with him all these years, she was in contact with Rakshan and Purav who have helped her love during college time.

Shivaali would talk to either Rakshan or Purav once in two or three months. She knew they are involved in hacking and stuffs. So, they'll contact her on their own and she would ask about Ashvath and his wellbeing through them.

Shivaali decided that she would present herself in front of Ashvath only when she's of marriage age and asked her brothers not to say anything about her to him till then. A month ago, the last time she and Rakshan spoke, she told Rakshan about her uncle making a move and forcing her to get married. He gave her an address and go there only if she feels she have to run away and stay safe until they call and come to pick her.

Fate has played its game and Shivaali did met Ashvath but not in a way she planned but in the way the universe has conspired and brought them together. What her uncle's state would be, who kidnapped her, what happened in-between everything slipped from her mind. The only thought filled in her mind was one guy and that guy was all over her, sleeping like a baby.

'Look at him, sleeping like a baby' Shivaali admired Ashvath, fighting the urge to thread her fingers into his locks, 'What is he doing here? Purav bro told me that he is working in Mumbai'

Shivaali's mind were then filled with Ashvath's thoughts. How will he react when he wakes up? Will he identify her? If he did, will he be happy to see her after all these years? Will the way he looks at her change? Would he push her away like before or will he keep her with him forever?

Shivaali blush smiled when Ashvath stirred in his sleep and snuggled more into her. She couldn't help but take it as the universe's way of answering her that he would be there for her. She gasped when she felt his cold fingers grazing her bare stomach and his hair brushing against her neck result of his stirring.

Gulping, Shivaali looked down again trying to compose her racing heart. As she looked down, she noticed what she was wearing. She wasn't in her saree anymore but in her in-skirt and a t-shirt. She looked around and found her saree sprawled over the floor.

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