Entwined - Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Lying down on the bed and staring at the ceiling, Ashvath patiently listened to Shivaali's endless ramblings as she talked about her likes, dislikes, favorites, and random memories.

Shivaali was sitting beside Ashvath with her back resting against the wall, talking about whatever came to her mind while he lay beside her. For reasons unknown to himself, his curiosity got the best of him, so he listened to her attentively.

"Can I ask you something?" Ashvath suddenly asked, making Shivaali pause.

"Ask, Ashvath," Shivaali said, fixing her eyes on Ashvath and anticipating his question with a wide smile.

"You were kidnapped and trapped inside a cupboard, but you don't look disturbed at all. Are you not scared thinking about being in an unknown place and that too with a guy?" Ashvath asked what had been on his mind for a long time.

Ever since Shivaali woke up, she hadn't made any effort to understand how she landed in this situation. She was happy to have found Ashvath and didn't remember the situation until he reminded her.

Shivaali didn't seem to be bothered about being trapped with Ashvath. She should have been scared, but she behaved as if she were living her dream life instead of being frightened and waiting to be rescued.

"I'm with you, right, Ashvath? Then why would I be scared?" Shivaali blinked cluelessly.

As far as she was concerned, Shivaali was happiest with the turn of events. She was supposed to go to Puducherry and wait there for Purav or Rakshan to contact her. Only after that would they have taken her to Ashvath, but thanks to the turn of events, she had already met Ashvath and was now enjoying her time with him.

As for getting out of there safely, Shivaali strongly believed and knew that Ashvath would never leave her behind and would protect her at all costs. He didn't tell her that, but she knew.

"Why do you trust me so much?" Ashvath couldn't help but ask.

A fond smile touched Shivaali's lips as she stared at Ashvath.

"I know it was you who changed my dress, yet I never asked you a word about it. Do you know why?"

Ashvath shook his head, lost in her words.

"Because I know you, Ashvath. I know how my Ashvath is! Years ago, when I came before you, I agree I wasn't mature enough. I placed myself before you, but you knew how to handle me. You didn't take advantage of me. You didn't break my heart. You did what was right."

Shivaali gave a soft smile,

"I was living in my own house but with people who only wanted to take advantage of me for my inheritance. I couldn't even trust my own shadow there, but here, in an unknown place where I have no idea where I am, I trust you with my life, Ashvath. Be it here, in a dungeon, or anywhere in the whole wide world, I'll trust my life with only you."

Ashvath was tongue-tied by Shivaali's answer. He wasn't expecting that. She didn't say she loved him. She didn't even use the word love. She just said she's with him, and that's enough for her to feel safe. She trusted him with her life, and that made him feel vulnerable yet strong and responsible at the same time. He swallowed and looked away before weakly nodding at her. She smiled and went back to talking about various stuff.

As he lay facing her, Ashvath couldn't help but look at Shivaali. She looked different yet familiar in his eyes. He had only met her twice, the last time being seven years ago. His memory of her only spanned from last night, yet he couldn't control the strange pull he felt towards her.

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