Chapter 20

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Lilly could only stare at Cameron in disbelief. She'd almost reached the conclusion that he was a myth considering that she'd been part of the family for years and never once seen him. It was disturbing to realise how alike him and Connor were.

'Nice to meet you," she said and then winced as she realised how ridiculous that sounded. Just her luck though that she would meet her brother-in-law for the first time when she was looking her worst. She'd hardly expected to meet him at all but when she'd envisioned the meeting, she hadn't pictured herself dressed in yesterday's clothes with scrapes and bruises covering most of her body while he carried her from a building that she'd been held hostage in.

"I can see why my brother likes you," Cameron said, and she frowned at that. She wasn't sure what he meant by that.

"Is Alexa okay?" she asked. It was one of the things that she'd been desperate to know ever since she woke up. She needed to know that she wasn't seriously injured.

"She's stubborn as a damn mule but fine," he muttered, and Alexa raised her brows at his tone.

"How long was I gone?" she asked, and his gaze softened as he looked down at her.

"Only overnight. My brother was going out of his mind with worry though," Cameron said.

"They thought I was Alexa," Lilly told him conversationally and his lips tightened but he didn't say anything.

It wasn't long before they reached a car and Cameron placed her gently in the passenger seat before going round to the driver's side. Lilly only waited long enough for him to start the car before she continued the conversation.

"They said that you'd infiltrated some organisation and tried to destroy them but that they're everywhere. They wanted retaliation," she said. His hands tightened on the steering wheel but his voice when he spoke came out nonchalantly.

"They were quite the chatty bunch," he said.

"They wanted to hurt me because they thought it would hurt you, didn't they?" she said. He shrugged though she could see the truth in his eyes.

"They probably mistook Connor for me," he said.

"So, what you're saying is that this organisation are going to want revenge still and when they realise that they had the wrong person they're going to come for Alexa," she said. Both of them seemed to realise the implications of that at the same time.

"You and Connor will be safe. I'll make sure of that," he promised her. She shrugged at that. After today she doubted that Connor would be taking any chances with her.

"What about Alexa? She was the real target," Lilly said. Cameron didn't answer.

She really hoped that he realised Alexa needed him before it was too late. She genuinely liked Alexa now that she was certain she wasn't trying to steal her husband and she didn't want anything to happen to her. She doubted that her good health would remain if these men had it their way.

The rest of the journey was conducted in silence. Lilly hadn't really thought ahead to where their destination was. She'd just been glad to be out of that hellhole. It was only as Cameron parked the car that she realised he'd taken her to the hospital. It seemed like ages ago that she'd last been here and she started to worry about her unborn baby. She hoped with all her heart that what she'd been through hadn't hurt the baby, but she knew better than to pray for miracles. All she could do was hope for the best and do her best not to shut everyone out.

Cameron insisted on carrying her again and he made sure that she was on a stretcher and seen to immediately. It was barely any time at all before Connor was beside her and she collapsed into his arms with a cry of relief as she took the comfort that he offered. She had never been so glad to see him in her life. She realised right then how important he was to her and how she'd been such an idiot all this time.

"I was so worried," Connor told her as he kissed her repeatedly.

"I'm glad you're okay," she said, and he looked at her incredulously.

"You're glad I'm okay? Honey, you were the one who was kidnapped," he reminded her.

"I'm just glad that we're both okay, no matter what happens we have each other."

Connor realised that she was worried about their baby, and he held her hand tightly through all the tests and stitches as they waited for news. No matter what he would be by her side and even if she wanted to get rid of him, he wouldn't leave. He was going to support her through whatever was thrown their way no matter what. It seemed an age before a doctor finally took them into a room and gave them a scan to determine whether the kidnapping had damaged their unborn child.

"You can stop worrying now. This little one is quite resilient," the doctor said, and Lilly breathed a sigh of relief while Connor squeezed her hand supportively.

"You're sure the baby is okay?" she asked, and he smiled kindly at her.

"I promise you that the baby is doing fine. See for yourself," he said, and Lilly stared at the image of the tiny baby within her as love swelled in her heart.

"This baby is going to survive," Connor assured her as he placed a kiss on her knuckles, and she smiled up at him.

"We're all going to survive whatever the world throws at us," she agreed.

"Marry me." Connor said abruptly and Lilly looked at him in confusion.

"We're already married," she reminded him.

"Then marry me again. Let's start this off right," Connor said. Lilly didn't hesitate.

"I will marry you and I will pledge my life to you as many times as it takes," she promised.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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