Chapter 21

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Ella's Pov
I watched him walk out the door of his own home. I should've been the one walking out the door but I couldn't take any of bullshit anymore so I told him to leave. It's been 3 days since I last seen him and I told Skate it was best for me to leave. Yesterday when my brother came home from the studio he told me if I was going to move out to do it now. I packed yesterday so all thats left to do is wait for Chelsea to finish packing. She started ealry since Sam told Nate he was going to return at 2:30. But our flight to Omaha is at 3:30 sadly. They say raising your children as a single mother is difficult but I was already prepared. Knowing Sam and his crazy life I should've kicked him out of the picture in the beginning but I didn't and now I'm going through the consequences. I wouldn't have been going through this right now if I would've shut him out but stuff happen. He made his desicion to get out of their lives just so he could have fun. Once you decide to take the responsibility of becoming a parent you have to grow up. We cant stay young forever like Peter Pan did. Trust me if Peter ever came to my window and asked me to go with him to a place where dreams are born and time is never planned, if he asked me to go with him to never land where you never grow up I would but that doesnt happen in the real world.

It was now 2:25 and Chelsea decided for us to leave early so we wont suffer with too much L.A. traffic. As I was buckling in Ciera and Colton's carriers and Chelsea put our luggage in the trunk Sam's car pulled in. He got out of his car when I had finished buckling in the babies car seats and I was already in the driver's seat waiting to drive off. But Skate came out to say one last Goodbye.
"I can't believe you're leaving me sissy. Im gonna miss you so much. Dont forget to call me once you get there and you better call me everyday. I'm not gonna keep you waiting so I guess this is goodbye little sister take care of yourself and my niece and nephew and never forget that I love you"
"Bubba please dont say goodbye. It's a see you soon. I'm going to miss you too don't forget that I love you too big brother thankyou for everything and for sticking up to my bullshit" I said pulling out of drive way. I saw Sam's name pop up on my screen indicating that he sent a message. I stopped to delete it knowing he was watching ignoring his gaze at me and without taking a glance back I drove off ready for what my new start had planned. Ready to take all challenges I will face. Ready to raise my children without a father. Remembering  to myself that at some point I couldn't stay away from Sam but now it will be him who wont be able to stay away. I suffered back then when we had just started dating but now he's gonna go through the pain I did. He's going to be the one crawling back but one things for sure, I wont let him crawl back that easy. I won't let him in the picture without showing him what he missed when he decided to walk out of the picture.

A/N: This is the end to Can't Stay Away. I honestly hope you enjoyed reading this book. I'm going to post a sequal to this book so be prepared for that.

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