ValerieQyu Part 1.

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Valerie is just walking to the cafe to get some coffee with her bodyguard but then it started raining. "I didn't bring any umbrella do you bring my umbrella?" she said to her bodyguard, "I'm sorry miss I didn't bring It today because I thought it wouldn't rain today" said her bodyguard, but Valerie notices something unnatural about her bodyguard, her bodyguard eyes is turning red somehow "Why is your eyes turning red?" She asked concerned "Nothing miss it's just that-" He said and started saying "Water detected" over 5 times, Valerie got out of the store because she felt something unusual about her bodyguard and her bodyguard explode when the rain water touched him. "Why did my bodyguard explode?! " she asked in panic and panically calls her father and asked "Padre, ¿por qué explotó mi guardaespaldas?"(Trasalation:Father why did my bodyguard explode?!) She asked in a rushing tone. And her father replied with "Lo descubrirás algún día, No puedo decírtelo ahora" Her father said calmly, and she ended the call madly. But then her friend Alejandro chatted her "¿Me puedes hacer un favor?" (Trasalation: Can you do me a favor?) She answered with "¿Sí Qué quieres?" (Trasalation: Yes what do you want?) Her friend said "¿Sabes que hay un edificio enorme llamado SH CREATION? Hay un rumor de que podrían estar matando a seres humanos inocentes solo para obtener la piel y los ojos para que su creación parezca real" (Trasalation:Do you know there is a massive building called SH CREATION? there is a rumor that they might be killing innocent human being just to get the skin and eyes to make their creation look real) And ValerieQyu replied with "Are you kidding me right now?" Her friend said "Why would I?" Valerie just left her friend on read but then, she started walking and saw a massive modern building called 'SHE CREATION' And she thought "is this the building that Alejandro was talking about?' And she doesn't think much of it until, she goes to the convenience store near the building and bought a few stuff like snacks, drinks and a few gums when she goes to the cashier to purchase her stuff the cashier is also unusual in her opinion but she just ignore her feelings and thoughts the water is wet on the outside cause of leaking but ValerieQyu doesn't see the leaking just yet, but the cashier saw it and started saying " Water detected" and ValerieQyu looked at the cashier puzzled, The cashier did pick the water up at all or tell the customer like a normal human being so in that case ValerieQyu finally notices the leaking water from the water bottle and she put it somewhere and take a new bottle that's not leaking, when she got out of the store she started to think about the rumour that her friend told her about she sat down at the restaurant nearby and orders her food but even the waiter, waitress and chef is acting odd, but her concerned will not be long because when the waitress came to her to give her the water she ordered the water unfortunately spills and got on ValerieQyu and the waitress clothing the waitress did not apologize but what happened is that the waitress started speaking gibberish that no one in this world could understand and after that the waitress falls onto the ground ValerieQyu checks the waitress calmly and when she got close she saw the unexpected she saw a sew mark on the back of the waitress neck and ValerieQyu immediately touches the mark with no thoughts in her head except for what her friend had said, she felt like a chip inside the waitress neck ValerieQyu starting to believe what her friend said about the rumour and people around her were panicking and panically called the ambulance not long after that the ambulance arrived. When ValerieQyu was driving home to her parents house she started thinking about the rumour none stop, and without her realizing she started talking alone like "what is the rumour are true" "what is the consequences if this thing doesn't stop" "is it targeting me? Or is it targeting my parents?" When she arrived to her destination she quickly goes to her laptop and click "today news" and there is a lot of news but one of the latest news caught her attention, "Is this the news that Alejandro was telling me about?" She said while furrowing her eyebrows and then she started to read the news she felt frightened but she doesn't want to exaggerate it and she fell asleep. The next day she woke up normally but when she is eating breakfast in the kitchen she started to think again about the rumour and she just sighed "Te ves cansada de lo que paso y lo siento por ayer" (Trasalation: You look tired what happened? And I'm sorry for yesterday) her father said "Nada padre y esta bien, no es gran cosa" (Trasalation: Nothing father and it's alright it's not a big deal) she said weakly, her father have a concerned look on his face but he decided to let her daughter rest and he rather not asked any questions, ValerieQyu goes in her room and took a shower, after the shower she wear a decent stay at home outfit and opened her laptop which is on her lap right now, then she typed "SH CREATION" and she was amazed by their creations but then an amazing ideas pop out in her head "What if I sign up for the job to find out if the rumour are true or not" And then she swiftly clicked on the link to sign up for the job. She put her full name in, age, place and a reason why she wanted to join the company, she did all that and not even an hour later she got an email that she is accepted, she smiled mischievously and click the email and read the policy and rules.

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