Chapter 9

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As they were cuddling together, her eyes turned to hearts, and she got scared and teleported away to the restroom, leaving horror alone on the couch all confused and some what worried but he gets up and walks around the house while she was crying a little and some what overwhelmed with emotions

Lust sans mind: (No! No! No!! I can't have feelings for him, I can't! We just met but.........but he makes me happy no one made me this happy for a long time...F*CK I don't want to ruin our friendship, so I ha-)

Her though we're cut off with Horror calling for her

Horror sans: "Lust, where are you at! I want to know if I did something wrong, and if I did, I'm sorry. "

She felt guilty for leaving like that, so she left the restroom, and Horror saw her, and she smiled a little

Lust sans: "I'm here horror. I'm ok, it's that something happened, and I had to fix it a little, ok?

Horror smiles and nods she smiles and hugs him and he hugs her back they were both blushing a little and she let's go and looks out the living room window and she saw the sun going down and she smiles and looks at Horror with an actual smile

Lust sans: "So Horror, I have a question if you don't mind me asking you."

Horror sans: "no no I won't mind and ask away. What's your question?"

Lust sans: "Where do I sleep? Like in the living room or somewhere else?"

Horror realizes that she didn't hasn't have a place to sleep, so he starts to think away for her to sleep somewhere soon before it gets dark

Horror sans mind: (Well f*ck were can she sleep at? In the living room? No, no, that sounds bad. Oh, she can sleep in my room, but I have to find some blankets and a pillow for her . Yea, that sounds good)

He smiled and looked at her, and he held her hand and gave it a little kiss on her hand

Horror sans: "You can sleep in my room with me, and you can decide if you want to sleep on my bed or on the floor."

She gets red and surprised by the kiss, and she giggles with some embarrassment on her face

Lust sans: "Oh, thank you, horror, and if it's ok with you, and if it's ok with you, then ok and I sleep on the floor like that you won't get bothered by me"

She smiles, and he smiles a little and cares his cheek . He gets red a little, and she gets red

Horror sans: "You will never bother me lust. you're a sweetheart, and you're the nice person I had ever met."

She gets red on the face, and he realizes what he says, and he lets go of her, and he gets embarrassed and looks away

Horror sans: "s-so yea you can sleep in the floor I go and find something for you to sleep on"

Lust sans mind: (holy sh*t he's so hot~ and I'm all flustered up should I do that? Oh, with h*ll with that, he  was s*xy, and I wanted more to be honest, but I should calm down and relax and just answer his question)

Lust sans: "y-yea, that's ok, and I go take a shower, and can you point me to your room, please?"

He nods and points on the middle door, and she nods and walks downstairs to the living room, She gets her backpack and she walks back upstairs, and she walks into the restroom.

Lighting the Path to Hope: Finding Positivity in the Darkness (horror x lust)Where stories live. Discover now