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chapter 3: Can't keep my hands to myself.

"Do it"



"I said no, shut up!"

"Stop being a fucking pussy and go!"

"I am not a pussy, you're a pussy!"

Kameron rolls her eyes at Caitlin in extreme annoyance "Caitlin Beatrice Clark, stop being a little bitch and go talk to her!" she whisper yells

"Who the heck is Beatrice??"

The two friends have been going back and forth, leaned over the table, whisper yelling to each other for a good 6 minutes now

Kameron has been trying to make the Clark girl get the balls and go approach Stevie who was literally 4 tables away from them and Caitlin has been trying to tell Kameron to go and fuck off

Being probably the two most stubborn people in the world— neither of them were backing down and Caitlin was seriously starting to regret ever inviting the Stevens girl out to lunch

"Kameron fucking drop it I am not talking to her, there are people around" Caitlin glares at the former cheerleader

"Then go and drag her to the bathroom, just get your ass out that chair and speak to her! you know you want to" Kameron responds sternly




"Fuck you!"

"No thanks I'm more into blondes" Kameron says as Caitlin responds with a gag and an eye roll

The basketball player scoffs under her breath "How does Paige manage to put up with you every single day" she grumbles

"Oh please that girl grovels at my feet everyday— now stop trying to change the subject and go speak with your bed buddy— she's going to the bathroom hurry!" Kameron says in a rush pushing Caitlin's elbows off of the table

"She is not my— Jesus! Kameron stop! Alright fine fine— stop pushing me!" Caitlin whines swatting Kameron away as she stood up and stumbled towards the bathroom as the Stevens girl all but kicked her behind

Kameron smirks watching the tall player begrudgingly make her way to finally talk to the global singer "she'll thank me one day" Kameron hums to herself as she takes a sip of  her wine.

Stevie pulls open the single person bathroom stall with a small sigh— as she was about to lock the door, she was all but shocked when the heavy door suddenly swung open and a tall brunette figure entered after her before locking the door herself

"Excuse me— hey! I am in here— Caitlin??"

The Santana singer gaped as she stared up at the pair of eyes she has been secretly dreaming about ever since that one night

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