17. a man whitout honor

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I stood in the tent whit robb and tailisa walked in "your grace a minute of your time and you can stay too yssa" and i gave her a nod i rolled up some maps and i perked hp "i have some silks if you want too i can get them" and she gave a nod and i ran too my tent and ran back and gave it too her and i put my mask and irene sat next too me i leaned against the poll as they  and i saw mom run out and mother yelled "lord karstark this man is our prisoner" and lord karstark said "this monster killed my son" and mother said "and crippled mine he will answer for his crimes i promise you but not here" lord karstark said "i will have his head and if you try and stop me" and mother yelled "you would strike me down? Have you forgotten me, ser i am the widow of your liege eddark stark i am the mother of your king and lady nyssa" and lord karstark said "and where is our king and lady nyssa now" and i walked up too them "i am here" i said and mother said "you know very well where your king is he had gone too the crag to accept the surrender" and lord karstark said "aye gone too the crag but not too negotiate he brought that foreign bitch whit him" and i spit out  and growled "don't you dare call her a foreign bitch"  and brianne said "how dare you threatening my lady is an act of treason"

And lord karstark said "treason how can it be treason too kill  lannisters" and mother said "i understand your grief my lord better than most i understand it but in the name of my son the king of the North stand down" and lord karstark said "when your som returns i will demand this muderers head" and i said "wise man do not make demands of kings" and lord karstark spit too me "fathers who love thier sons do i will have his head" and he left and jaime said "thank you for fighting on my behalf,lade stark and lady nyssa i would have come to your defense but" and i flashed my eyes and mother said "take him too the stockades bind hom whit every chain you can find" and jaime said as he was being dragges away "you've become a real she wolf in your later years  they're is not much fish left in you" and mother yelled before leaving "AND GAG HIM"

me brienne and irene followed mother

I sat on the floor chilling but i quickle stood up when i heard yelling and i followed mother "THERE'S NOT A KING THAT'S TREASON" i heard a and then i heard lord karstark "SO US SAVING LANNISTERS' YEAH" and brienne said too mother "your son arrives at dawn my lady" and i didn't listen too the rest of the parts and then i said " the more they drink the angrier they get" and brienne and mother nodded mother said "come" and we walked too  jaime his cell and she said too the guard i "i need too be alone whit him" andhe left and jaime said "is that a woman" and me and brienne came foreward "yea and she's a baddass" i said and i catched a small smile on mother and brienne's faces and i smiled under my mask and petted irene i glared the wole time as he talked and then i heard "snow bastard from the north" and i said/spit "don't you talk about him like that"  and i flashed my eyes and clenced my fists and left

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