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Katerina Cheshire was an enigma among the staff and students of Merlin Academy, for they had no idea where she came from before she resided in Wonderland or arrived at the school.

If you asked Principal Merlin, he would say she was just an ordinary student from Wonderland, much like Bridget Hearts, but you would be wise not to believe him. It had been embarrassingly easy to trick the man into accepting the Cheshire Cat into the academy, and he didn't even know it.

The Wonderlandian held an unsettling and intimidating aura to those around her due to her unpredictability and mysterious appearance. As a result, her classmates feared her, staying as far away from her as they could in the corridors, and putting their seats to the edge of their desks. Despite their wariness of the Wonderlandian, the professors thought this was overkill, and treated the girl like any other student.

The Cheshire Cat revelled in the feared looks from the students of Merlin Academy, stalking through the halls with her signature grin that was almost too easy to wear.

After watching those two strange girls appear out of nothing but a flashbang, Cheshire figured she should at least tell Uliana there were two new students at the academy. Not that she actually wanted to, those two could be great play-things, but Uliana would be unbearable (more so than usual) if she found out Cheshire had kept this information from her. The things she put up with...

The Wonderlandian knew where to find the Sea Witch at this time, knowing none of the villain kids would be attending their classes; unlike Cheshire, who would just show up late, because she liked going to classes solely to pull pranks for her own amusement.

Instead of walking through the Dark Forest, Cheshire teleported to the Black Lagoon entrance with her signature grin and giggle. She formed by Maleficent's side, who sat with Hades' who had his arm around her like always. Hades' hair immediately went up in flames at the supposed intruder before Maleficent hit his chest.

Cheshire giggled, leaning into Hades' space with a grin, "Hey, Sonic." At the God's grumbles, the Wonderlandian draped herself over Maleficent, who seemed to not give a shit and just let it happen. "Hey, Mal."

Maleficent kept a straight face, lips formed in a thin line, but her eyes held some amusement. "Hey, Kat."

Cheshire sighed dramatically, dropping her head onto her friend's shoulder with a pout. "You two know where Uli is?"

Hades chucked a nod in the Sea Witch's direction, which happened to just be right across from them. Cheshire straightened up, looking sheepishly at Uliana who was, quite literally, lounging on the couch beside them. Uliana mockingly saluted Cheshire, who groaned and curled back up to Maleficent's side.

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