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next chapter, as promised. (sorry it's kinda short.)

'And I don't want the world to see me, 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand, When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am, I just want you to know who I am.'


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dewey, sam, and tatum ran to the elevator as soon as they made it into the hospital. sam was already on the phone with ghostface. whoever it was had given sam an ultimatum; save richie, or tara.

'i'll only kill one' the horrifying voice told them 'who do you want to hear die?'

'no. please! i'm begging you, please don't hurt them!' sam yelled.

'really? you can't even save your own sister? all you have to do is say, kill richie'

'no!' same yelled as the group heard tara's screams through the phone. 'don't touch her! please, please, please, i'm begging you!'

'or say, 'kill tara'' ghostface answered 'and i'll make sure to hit all the organs i missed last time.'

'no! fuck you!' sam said. 'i'm begging you, please don't hurt her.'

'last chance to save on, choose!'

'why are you doing sam' sam's voice broke.

'you want to know why sam? maybe its because you're a selfish bitch who can't even make a decision to save the life of someone you love. maybe you're too weak for this franchise.'

'maybe you're right.' sam said. 'or maybe i'm just stalling for time, fuckhead.'

the elevator doors opened to see ghostface standing over tara wielding a knife.

'i'll get richie' dewey stated.

'tara!' sam shouted. tatum followed dewey.

he found richie in one of the rooms and tatum helped pull him up. dewey carried richie's weight right side and tatum on the left. 'it's okay, i got you' dewey spoke. 'it's gonna be all right. get the elevator!' dewey yelled at tara and sam.

there was a glass wall to deweys right and ghostface suddenly came flying through it holding dewey against the wall. 'dewey!' tatum screamed from the floor. he tried to shoot ghostface but missed, then he back ghostface into the wall on the other side of the hallway. it all happened so fast, ghostface and dewey were now on the floor and deweys gun slid away from him. before he could get to it, ghostface got on top of him.

ghostface had the knife held inches from deweys face before tatum socked them in the face, hard. it took a second but ghostface got back on his feet and reassumed the position on top of dewey. 'not today' dewey muttered shoving ghostface to the ground and grabbing his gun, shooting them in the chest before grabbing richie and dragging him to the elevator. once everyone was inside, dewey remained outside the door.

'dewey what the fuck are you doing, get in this god damn elevator right now' tatum ordered.

'the head.' he spoke, looking at her.

'what?' she asked desperately.

'you have to shoot them in the head or they always come back.' dewey said.

'no dewey, let it go, for once don't be the hero just get in here with me and we can go home!' tatum cried.

'it's alright kiddo, i'll see you back home in a little bit.' he assured her.

'i can't lose you too.' her voice broke.

'you won't kiddo, i promise.' dewey turned around and walked back over to ghostface getting his gun ready.

'DEWEY NO' tatum yelled and tried to sprint forward. someone held her back by the arms. 'sam, let me go.' she told her.

'i can't' sam had tears in her eyes.

'LET ME GO!' she screamed, but the doors were already closing. 'SAM' tatum pleaded, but it was too late the doors had closed already.

when the four got to the first floor, tatum bolted through the doors and booked it for the stairs. taking two at a time until she made it back to the floor dewey was on, only to see ghostface stabbing him in the chest multiple times. 'it's an honor' she heard.

'NO!' tatum let out a gut wrenching scream. she and dewey made eye contact for a second before the life in his eyes faded away. ghostface wiped off the knife and walked away leaving tatum to run straight to the body of her former uncle.

she fell to the ground beside him and held his head in her lap, sobbing hystarically.

'no, you can't leave me.' she muttered. 'wake up.' she shook his shoulders repeatedly in a last ditch attempt to wake him. 'YOU PROMISED' tatum screamed, sobs racking her body.

tatum wasn't sure how long she sat there, but after a while strong arms pulled her away from dewey's body, no matter how much she protested. dewey riley was dead. she sank into chad's arms as she continued to shake from the sobs.

'it's okay.' he muttered repeatedly, running his hand through her hair in an attempt to comfort her. 'it'll be okay.'

'it's all my fault' she cried.

'no it's not, don't you dare think that' chad looked into her eyes.

the two sat in silence. 'he's gone. he's gone and he's not coming back, i- i can't do this, i'm not equipped to handle this, first wes, and now dewey- i- i can't-'

'i know.' chad spoke. 'i know' he pulled her closer and she continued to cry into his chest. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10 ⏰

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