Episode Ten: The Tenth Question (Written Exam Pt.2)

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Episode Ten: The Tenth Question (Written Exam Pt. 2)


“You look nervous.”

Kyoko raised her head from the book she was reading, knowing full well she was likely just re-reading the same sentence over and over. She cast a glance at Kurenai, who sat to her left and gazed inquisitively at the older woman with her bright red eyes that could rival the Sharingan.

“I’d like to deny it, but I feel there won’t be a point,” Kyoko said as she closed her book and placed it on the spacious couch.

“Worried about your kids?” Kurenai asked.

“Yes and no,” Kyoko said. “Not them specifically, but more of what the exam might ask of them.”

Kurenai looked confused, but Asuma nodded in agreement.

“I get what you mean,” he said, briefly inhaling his cigarette. “Especially when you consider who’s the first examiner.”

Kakashi, who was sitting with his body slumped forward, straightened slightly. “Who is it?”

“Morino Ibiki.” Asuma and Kyoko said.

Black, half-lidded eyes widened for a second before resuming to its resting position. However, Kurenai was as confused as ever, looking between her fellow jounins cluelessly. Kyoko noticed this and chuckled.

“Morino Ibiki works in the torture and interrogation unit,” Kyoko said. “His skill in mental psychology can rival the Yamanakas. He’s very brutal and tough–”

“I’d say sadist,” Kakashi interjected.

Kyoko nodded. “That applies too. He’s most likely giving our genins a very hard time. Stressing them out to the max with whatever rule he gave the first exam.”

It also means that the passing rate can’t be good, Kakashi thought.

“So, nothing tortuous?” Kurenai asked. When Kyoko nodded, she breathed a sigh of relief. But that was a fleeting feeling for a new wave of nerves washed over her. Her mind started playing around with what sort of tests a man that specialized in interrogation could place upon a bunch of (a small amount) children.

Sitting there, Kurenai was starting to understand why Kyoko-san was feeling so nervous for her students.


“59 fails!”

“#33! #9!”

More and more teams were dropping like flies. There seemed to be no end to them and it only caused the tension and fear to continuously rise to new heights. Many were sweating profusely, a mixture of frightened feelings and the thick humidity in the room. A temperature fitting for the atmosphere. The only ones that weren’t affected by the increase of failures are the ones that have full confidence in their ability and team.

Kyouya wanted to groan out loud. While he wasn’t worried about failing, he couldn’t deny that the ongoing calls of those who failed were starting to get on his nerves. It was messing with his flow and made him pay attention to how many were left as opposed to what his mirror clone was actually telling him.

If Kagami were near me, she would strike my knee to get me to focus, He thought. Speaking of his sister, one glance might indicate that she also wasn’t feeling any kind of negative emotion, what with her blank face and all. But Kyouya knew. The crease in her eyebrows, tight grip of her pencil and the constant glances towards her seatmate and long time best friend; Uzumaki Naruto.

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