Chapter 11 -

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Andres POV

I sat at my desk, trying to muster patience as I awaited Elara's return. The room was quiet, save for the occasional hum of the city outside. My thoughts churned with frustration and resolve. I couldn't afford to give up now-not after everything I had sacrificed to build my empire.

The goal had always been to expand and honor my father's legacy, to make what he had started even greater. But DeLuca's treachery had undermined everything. His betrayal, selling out my operations and secrets to the Vizzini, had cost me nearly all I had worked for in New York.

The weight of these thoughts pressed heavily on me, but my focus sharpened when I heard a knock on the door. It creaked open, and Elara walked in.

Still in the black dress I had chosen.

I didn't say a word, but I straightened in my leather chair, watching as she took a seat across from me. Her face was a mix of pride and exhaustion, clearly eager to share what she had gathered.

Elara sat across from me, waiting for a signal to speak. I gave a brief nod, my expression neutral as I waited for her to begin.

She launched into her report, detailing the information she had gathered. "I spoke with some of Fabio's associates. They mentioned that the Vizzini family is heavily investing in real estate in New York. They're planning to acquire several key properties downtown, focusing on prime locations that could significantly increase their influence and revenue. It seems they're making moves to solidify their control over the city's high-value areas."

She continued, "I also had a chance to talk to Fabio himself. He was quite charming and didn't come off as the typical mafia type you might expect."

I narrowed my eyes, my gaze unwavering. Elara fidgeted under my intense stare. Leaning in slightly, my voice came out steady but edged with irritation. "I didn't send you there to make friends."

"Okay, so my job is done now, right? I got you the information you needed ."

I scoffed at her, my gaze shifting to her with a hint of amusement. "It's far from done," I said with a derisive tone. "This information isn't enough." but before she could say more, I cut her off. "Go the back to your room. I'll let you know what the next move is."

Anger flared in her eyes as she stood up, moving to stand directly in front of my chair. "How long am I supposed to stay here? You're involving me in something that's not even my business."

I remained silent, simply watching her. Slowly, I rose from my seat, my presence imposing as I towered over her. My voice was cold and commanding. "Don't raise your voice. Go back to your room now, or I'll have someone drag you there."

Her face flushed with anger. "You said you'd let me go when I got the information you needed!" she yelled, her voice cracking with frustration. "You're a liar!" Her small fists pounded against my chest repeatedly.

I remained unmoved, my expression impassive, until her energy finally waned and her wrists fell limply by her sides. I couldn't help but feel a sense of detached amusement as she wore herself out, as she was left breathless.Without a word, I lifted her over my shoulder.

Her screams and kicks were muffled against my back, but her struggles were only an inconvenience. I held her tightly, her writhing adding a harsh rhythm to my steps as I carried her up the stairs.

The sound of her protests echoed off the walls, a testament to her futile resistance.When I reached her room, I dropped her onto the bed. She glared at me with a mix of defiance and fear, her eyes sharp with anger.

I moved with purpose, pulling out the cuffs and securing them around her wrists, fastening them tightly to the bed frame. Her attempts to pull free only made the restraints dig in deeper.

Standing over her, I could see her struggling to catch her breath, her eyes still blazing with fury. My expression remained cold, unyielding.

" This is far from over, and if you think your small acts of defiance will change anything, you're mistaken. You're here because you have a job to do, and until that job is complete, your complaints and anger mean nothing to me."

Elara, still catching her breath, looked up at me with a mix of defiance and desperation. "You think you can keep me locked up like this forever? You're nothing but an asshole ." she spat, her voice strained but fierce.

"I'm not your pawn to be used and discarded. You promised me a chance to go back to my life, but all you do is lie and manipulate. You're ruining everything for me, and for what? Your stupid revenge?"Her words were edged with anger and frustration, but I could see the fear underlying her defiant stance.

I leaned closer, my voice low and menacing. "You want to test my patience? You're in no position to demand anything. You're here because you failed to deliver what I needed. Now, you're going to follow my orders, or you'll regret it more than you can imagine."

I gripped her neck firmly, feeling the pulse quicken beneath my fingers. "Keep this up," I said, my breath brushing against her skin, "and you'll find out just how ruthless I can be. Do you understand me?"

With those final words, I turned on my heel and walked out of the room, the heavy door closing behind me with a resounding thud. The echo of my departure left her alone, seething with anger and frustration.

As I walked away from her room, my mind churned with the new information Elara had provided. Despite the chaotic exchange we'd just had, her findings were far from useless.

In fact, they were crucial.The Vizzini's next move was a calculated play into real estate, a sector ripe for exploitation and a potential goldmine if navigated correctly.

Their upcoming investment was ambitious, targeting properties that could significantly bolster their influence and financial foothold. It was exactly the kind of opportunity that could be exploited to turn the tide in my favor.

Elara's information, although obtained under duress, had unveiled a critical part of their strategy. I now had a clear target to focus on-a chance to strike back and reclaim what I had lost. The Vizzini thought they could control Manhattan with their new ventures, but they were about to find out that their plans would only strengthen my resolve.

But Elara... she was still a loose end. I wouldn't let her go until I had extracted every last bit of value from her. Her role in this was not finished, and neither was my use of her. Once I had everything I needed, I would decide her fate.

For now, her worth to me was undeniable, and I needed to make sure she understood that her freedom was contingent upon her usefulness.

The Vizzini had underestimated the depth of my patience and the breadth of my ambition. The next move was mine, and it was going to be decisive. No more mistakes. No more second chances for anyone.


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