A Compilation of Some of My Work

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Friends tv show made up version 

by Dana Young

(An EXTREME version)

Phoebe a Dear and Get Me Some Coffee? Or Phoebe or Not Phoebe

The scene opens in Monica's apartment. Every1 is there sitting around the table besides Monica who is leaning against the counter.

Monica:  Joey you should let me clean your apartment.

Joey: No! You can't touch it.

Monica: Why not?

Chandler: Because it's a guy's place. It shouldn't be touched. That would be like me and Joey rearranging your feminine...products (everyone laughs)

Monica: Please. It will only take a second.

Chandler: Not in Monica time.

Joey: Yeah, why don't you rearrange your own apartment.

Monica: I just did.

Phoebe: Ooh, you can do it again.

Monica: Okay, but I would rather do their apartment. I'm losing sleep worrying about that mess.

Ross: (Gets up from the table) Maybe you can take up a hobby.

Monica: Ooh, yes! Like cleaning the streets.

Everybody: No!

Chandler: (Cringes) Don't do that! The streets are supposed to be a little dirty. That's so you can tell it's a street. If you make them really clean there will be more people living on the streets than in houses.

Rachel: Chandler's right. You need to do something different.

Monica: Like what?

Chandler: Whatever, as long as you stay away from the direction of my apartment.

Phoebe: I got it! You can cook dinner for us. 

Joey: That's a great idea. I really like your cooking.

Chandler: We know. You pulled a Monica last time and cleaned all our plates.

Joey: Hey! I was hungry. Acting makes me want to eat.

Rachel: I have no idea what you can do, Monica. Maybe you should help out a charity.

Phoebe: I know a charity you could help!

Everyone but Phoebe: What?

Phoebe: Me

Everyone but Phoebe: WHAT?

Phoebe: It's perfect. Monica needs someone to help and I need help.

Rachel: Why do you need help?

Phoebe: I need to get some of the strings on my guitar fixed.

Chandler: THAT'S your problem? I thought you were going to say you needed to bail someone out of jail...Phoebe your guitar is fine. You only play one string, anyway.

Phoebe: Yes. but I like to know the other strings are there. They are like a little family. I can't seperate them.

Rachel: I'll give you the money. I got a lot of tips from some very satisfied customers.

Chandler: (to joey in a low voice) It's a good thing she doesn't realize how that last part sounded.

Monica: Great! Now I have nothing to do.

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