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I'm soooo bored. Seven other people are here so far, and one- Gemini, her name was- has been here a month that's a week by herself! The others here are Aquarius and Libra -twins-, me, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Leo, and Sagittarius.

We were all just sitting in the main room, talking and playing video games and stuff, when the door burst open.

A dark- skinned girl with black, curly hair in a bun walked in. "Hiya!" Leo announced after a moment.

"Hi." She answered softly.

"OMG, Melanie?!" Pisces shrieked, and engulfed the girl in a hug.

"Ah, hello, Katie. And you're supposed to call me Scorpio." Melanie sighed, prying off the blond girl.

"Oh, oh sorry! I'm Pisces now!" She introduced.

"Mhm." Scorpio nodded. "Who're you guys?"

"Aries." I said, nodding.

"Sagittarius, that's Leo." Said the red headed girl who was really pretty.



"Libra, that my sister Aquarius."

"Nice." She nodded, and disappeared up the stairs, where her name would be on one of the 12 doors.

Scorpio joined us in the main room after unpacking, just as the door opened to reveal a brown-haired boy with green eyes, lugging in two suitcases, a duffel bag, and a cage. "Whoa, got enough stuff there?" Libra asked.

"It's mostly for June." He smiled holding up the cage to reveal a fluffy white cat.


"Ow, ow, ow." Leo whimpered as he cradled his ear.

"Stop being dramatic." Sagittarius whacked him.

"Here, you can hold him while I unpack. I'm Cancer, by the way." He set his stuff down, and opened June's cage, placing her on Pisces's lap. She shrieked, hugging the pure white cat. "He's pretty well trained, so if you call him he should come to you. He loves kids. And technically we all are. Just not adults." Cancer explained, and lugged his stuff upstairs.

By the time he came down, it was past dinner, which said was okay. Cancer said that he had eaten on the way, while setting out food for June.

We all gathered back in main room conversing and video gaming, breaking off to go to bed one by one. I eventually left, leaving Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, and Sagittarius.

"Night." I yelled once I was upstairs, walking through the hallway to find my room.

"SHIT I WAS ALMOST ASLEEP!" Scorpio screamed, but stayed in her room.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite," I sang, poking my head into her only to receive a shoe in the face.

I reached my room, and quickly fell asleep. That is, until the doorbell rang. And apparently no one else was bothered by this, so I grudgingly got up and walked downstairs.

"Hi..." Said a green haired girl, yawning and bleary eyed.

"She's tired." Said another girl, a blond with piercing blue eyes. "I'm Capricorn, She's Taurus."

"Aries." I said, nodding. "Rooms are upstairs." I pointed back. Taurus staggered up the stairs, as we watched her disappear. "Well, night." I said finally, trudging back upstairs and Capricorn nodded.

And finally, I got a good night's rest.


I was the last one awake. I don't how Capri wasn't, she didn't sleep almost the whole 13 hour drive here. Whenever I was awake, I would read, watch movies, talk to the driver, who actually liked it, and snacked. A lot. Capri just read or watched outside. Boring.

"Who're you?" Aquarius asked as I walked into the kitchen. Yes, I learned all of there names and appearances on the way here.

"Taurus." I smiled, grabbing a bowl of cereal. "We arrived last night."

"We?" She cocked her head.

"Me and my sister, Capricorn." I explained. "The blond with blue eyes. She doesn't talk much."

"Oh, her. Yeah, we found her just staring at the TV this morning. The creepy thing was, it was off."

"Oh, she's been doing stuff like that recently. You get used to it."

She nodded, and we walked into the living room. "Hi! I'm Taurus, but I read the manual so I already know who you all are."

"What manual?" Leo asked.

"Oh, the driver gave it to me. She was really nice." I explained.

"Okay-" The boy with red hair, Aries, started, but a sharp, loud voice cut him off.

"Welcome, residents of House Zodiac." It announces, silencing us. "You have all arrived,thanks to the Witness Protection Program. Now an employee from the department will explain the predicament."

Just as the voice had said, a knock came, and a woman burst in. "Hello, residents of House Zodiac! Or, as we like to call you, Zodiacs. I am Andromeda, I'm in charge of keeping you all safe. As you all know, you have witnessed the infamous criminal, Ophiuchus. You are here to be kept safe." She explained. "But Ophiuchus was exposed to toxic chemicals, causing him to be the way he is. These chemicals have spread to you. This means you will either die -highly unlikely. No has before- or you will be given powers."

We all stared, then burst out laughing. But my sister's quiet voice stuck out. "Thought we 'll knew this?"

Silence, Andromeda smiling at her. "Ah, yes. I was expecting at least one of you to find out. So, tell me, Capricorn, what are your powers?"

"Time control." Capri's voice was barely a whisper, but everyone heard it.

"I-I think I would've known that my sister had time control!" I exclaimed in a panicked tone.

"Would'ya?" She turned to me, and I hesitated, then shook my head no.

"Demonstrate, oh wise one." Aries challenged.

I did a re-take. It was like a cut in a video, one moment she was there, the next... gone. I screamed, turning around to find her panting slightly, a single drop of sweat swiped away. "W-what the?" Pisces squeaked.

"Oh. OH." Libra said, making all eyes turn to him. "I, uh, think I might know mine." He muttered, causing Aquarius, his twin sister, to gasp. He reached out his hand, and suddenly Gemini's phone flew through the air, landing in his hand. "Telekinesis."

"Nice. Here, this button near the door will alert me if anything happens or you need my assistance. Weekly groceries will be delivered." She disappeared through the door, just after gesturing to the red button stationed near the door, just as she said.

"Weekly's not enough food." I said, breaking the silence, and everyone laughing.



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12 Zodiacs in a HouseWhere stories live. Discover now