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And Sally kissed me and went back to cooking . And she turned the stove back on and she started humming in a perfect key and I sat down and waited for Sally to finish cooking . And I countied to work on a drawing I did of me and Sally and I was going to give it to her at dinner time .

This the drawing I did for Sally and look at the sweet words I wrote for my sally

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This the drawing I did for Sally and look at the sweet words I wrote for my sally . Because sally is love of my life . And I would do anything for her . In that moment Sally called out dinner is ready and I sat at the table and I said Sally I have a present for you and I handed her the drowning . Sally Blushed and said oh Jack It is amazing thank you . And Sally hugged me and said I'm going to put this on the fridge . I Smiled at Sally and I watched as Sally put the drawing on the fridge .

Jack and sallys holiday Where stories live. Discover now