Scars and Forgiveness

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I fell to the ground as he kicked me over and over. The beating seemed like it lasted forever, he gave me one last look , and his blue eyes were a different shade.

Like as if they were saying sorry, pffft. Tony, Tony doesn't apologize.

And with that he left.

I laid there for a while, by time I had gotten the courage to get up it was already 3rd period.

I walked in and Sat down, and with my luck I sit right next to Kendrick.

As I went to sit, I had my chair pulled out from underneath me. I fell on the floor as all in the room laughed.

"You should sit in the chair, I mean that's what it's there for right." Kendrick said before he chuckled.

I got up and asked to be excused, the teacher looked behind me at the students still laughing and excused me.I ran to the bathroom and cried.

Why...? Why do I deserve this...? Have I do be something terribly wrong...?

As I walked out of the bathroom the bell rang, signaling me to go to lunch.

As I got to the door I was grabbed by the wrist and pulled toward someone. I looked up to see two, all to familiar blue eyes.


As he held my arm my bracelets slid up....

His eyes widened at the sight of my new cuts and old scars.

"W-why do you do this..?" He asked shuddering.

"Why do you think?" I said harshly.

He shed a tear and whispered. "I'm going to fix this , and I'll turn these ....

Scars into forgiveness."

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