Due to the school days approaching for my school updates on this stories will be slower but not to a long extent.
Each chapter for both my stories will probably be atleast 2 maybe 2.5 to finish and publish.
Depending of the situation in my school they may be longer.
Lost but not Forgotten
Action"Protect my children" that is the vow Friedrich made as the strongest ship in Iron Blood along side her sister Kurfürst and the destroyer Z73, but what if she couldn't protect one of her child, the very child she wanted to protect the most. The ship...
Announcement(not a chapter)
Due to the school days approaching for my school updates on this stories will be slower but not to a long extent.
Each chapter for both my stories will probably be atleast 2 maybe 2.5 to finish and publish.
Depending of the situation in my school they may be longer.