Secrets Known

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Royal Navy Meeting Room-
5 hours after the cube fusion

In the Royal meeting room QE, Warspite, King George, Wales, Hood, Belfast, Enterprise, And Cleveland are currently discussing the events that transpired and what to do next.

QE: and so with the supplies arriving safely we can now start discussing the step to our plan, which is to find a way to get some of those supplies to Richelieu.

Wales:(nods) indeed, from the reports we've received both Iron Blood U-boats and Vichya Dominion kansens sightings have been increasing this past few weeks.

Enterprise: that's easier said then done, U-boat patrols those waters frequently, so if we bring a large fleet then they'll just alert Jean Bart or Bismarck and if we assemble a small fleet we'll just be taget practice for them.

Warspite: what about Medusa? The majority of Crimson Axis dare not face her in the battlefield, with the submarines, destroyers and even cruisers being the most scared by just the mention of her being near.

Belfast: that is viable, she does have the weapons to deal with any threat

Cleveland: yeah but don't forget, we may have a moster in the form of Mindy but they do too.

Enterprise: Cleveland's right, the Crimson Axis still have both Kurfürst and Z73 who are more than capable of keeping up with Mindy, not to mention they can also be assisted with PR ships.

Cleveland: exactly, Mindy may be powerful but she's just one ship, she will run dry of ammo and energy facing huge numbers like that.

George:(curious)speaking of Medusa. Where is she?

Cleveland:(confused)wait, yeah where is she?

With Medusa's whereabouts unknown, they all turn to Enterprise as Vestal asked her to look after her big sister.

Enterprise: she said she was going to help with the repairs on her ship.

Hood: (confused)but the repairs are already done for her ship and only Hornet's and Washington's ships are currently being repaired.

Enterprise: (confused)if that's the case then why did she-

Cleveland: (realization)wait a minute, don't tell me she.

Clueless about Medusa's location, Cleveland turned on her communicator and contacted Hornet.

Cleveland: Hornet do you read?

Hornet: (radio)loud and clear Cleveland. What can I do for you?

Cleveland:is Mindy's ship there?

Hornet: (radio)no, she left like 2 hours ago.

Cleveland: (shout)WHAAAAT?!

Cleveland shouted from the top of her lungs startling the everyone and partially deafening Hornet

Hornet: (radio)(pain)OOWWW!!!

Enterprise: (surprised)w-what's wrong?


Hearing that their surprised faces quickly turned into that of complete shock

Meanwhile- Northern Atlantic

While panic spreads in the Royal Navy base, Medusa can be seen sailing north to her contact.

Medusa: man, they're known for keeping spies out but nobody told me they also can't keep people that should be staying from leaving.


Medusa: (answers)hey I'm almost at the spot.

??: (radio)and you're alone yes?

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