Chapter 20 "The Sick Dean"

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New day started, and everyone went to the school and stayed in the hallway until the first class starts.

In the hallway

"I really really got bored of this school, I wanna get out of it!!!" Said Dean Ambrose

Roman gave him a serious look, so Dean looked embarrassed. Seth was walking with them looking down at the ground thinking as he always do.

"Roman, now I'm talking seriously, I got enough of that school" Said Dean

"Then why are you here?" Asked Roman

"I have no father or mother to lead me or even give me advice, if I stopped to come to school, what's gonna happen next?!" Said Ambrose

"OK, shut up" said Roman

"Why don't you talk to me, like a man?!" Asked Dean trying to make Roman talk to him

Roman didn't answer as he don't like to talk too much, the bell rang and it was English class.

In the English room

Mr Triple H explained a lesson and then gave them a test.

"Can I go to the toilet please?!" Asked Dean

"What about the test?!..... OK" said Mr Triple

Dean went downstairs, and went to Kane.

In the hallway

"I wanna eat" said Dean

"What?! It's not break time, go to your class" said Kane

"Come on Kane" said Dean as he looked at Kane with cute, innocent look

"Ugh ok, take your food" said Kane as he gave him some food

In the English room

Everyone finished the test but Ambrose was still down.

"Where is that boy?!" Asked Triple

"I can go see where is he" said Cesaro getting up from his seat but Seth and Roman pulled him back to his seat

"Ok Cesaro go and by the way, you get 4 out of 20" said Mr Triple

"Yes, 4" said Cesaro as he ran downstairs

In the hallway

Cesaro passed from Ambrose and entered the bathroom, he found no one.
Cesaro got out and saw Dean eating.

"Ugh, my enemy since I first saw you, here comes the day I'm gonna expose you to Mr Triple H" said Cesaro

"No, wait!!!! You Suck Cesaro" said Ambrose and complete eating

Cesaro went upstairs to tell Triple H

In the English room

"Where is he, Cesaro?!" Asked Mr Triple.

"He is in the bathroom and he seems so tired, he was vomiting" said Cesaro, Roman and Seth were shocked.

The bell rang and English lesson ended.

In the chemistry class

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