Chapter 65 "Randy following Finn"

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Tuesday 9:50 PM

"In Seth, Dean and Roman's house"

Seth was trying to solve the test which Dr. Shane gave him in the morning. He has been trying to solve it now for 5 hours.

Meanwhile, Dean and Roman were in the kitchen preparing the diner.

"You know what I am thinking of now?!" Dean asked Roman seriously.

"I don't care!" Roman said and he laughed.

Dean threw a towel into Roman's face as he was angry.

"Okai okai.....I am sorry!! Tell me what you are thinking about." Roman said.

"I am thinking about Tyler.....actually I can't stop thinking about him!! I have a great desire to kick his face!!" Dean said angrily.

"I also am thinking like you but not about Tyler.....about another man!!" Roman said as his face turned.

"Who?" Dean asked.

"Mr. Steve Austin!!" Roman said with an angry look.

"Yeah....I wonder why he treat you badly." Dean said.

"I don't know and I am about to have enough of him!!" Roman said.

"Let us just forget about those idiots and just focus on one thing.......We are gonna watch our favourite movie after few minutes!" Dean said excitedly.

"I prepared a lot of popcorn and drinks!" Roman said and they went to the living room with the food.

Meanwhile, Finn was in the bedroom making a phone call.

"Okai Mom don't wait for me because I will stay with my friends today....bye!" Finn said to his mother in the phone then ended the call.

Finn was about to go out to his friends but his phone rang again.

Finn: Hello!

??: Hey Finn, How are you?!

Finn: Who is talking?

??: Don't you know me! I am Randy!

Finn looked shocked when he knew that it was Randy.

Finn: How did you know my phone number?!

Randy: It isn't really so hard to find it!

Finn: I told you stop following me!!

Randy: I will help you!

Finn: Damn it!! I said I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!! Don't ever try to call me again because I will not answer.

Finn ended the call and he looked very upset and suddenly the door of the room was opened which made Finn looked shocked.

"Ohhh sorry....I forgot to knock on the door!! Did I scare you?!" Dean asked.

"No not at all! You just shocked me!" Finn said after he took his breath and smiled at Dean.

"Ok then come now because the movie will start." Dean said.

"Okai I am coming!" Finn said and he went out with Dean.

In the living room

Finn, Roman and Dean all sat in front of the TV. Waiting anxiously for the movie to start.

"It's about to start!!" Dean said.

"Where is Seth?" Finn asked.

"Still studying!" Roman said.

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