15. Internship 2

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One evening, after all the employees have left for the day, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are alone in the office.

As they finish their work and prepare to go home, they both enter the office lift together.

Inside the lift, Wei Wuxian takes Lan Wangji’s hand gently, holding it with a mix of affection and excitement.

Without hesitation, Wei Wuxian pulls Lan Wangji closer to him, their proximity creating an electric connection between them.

As the lift begins to move, Wei Wuxian leans in and captures Lan Wangji’s lips in a passionate kiss.

Lan Wangji responds with equal intensity, their kiss deep and full of emotion.

The small space of the lift feels private and intimate, making their embrace even more special.

The world outside the lift disappears as they lose themselves in each other, their kisses growing more fervent.

The lift continues its journey down, and they keep kissing, wrapped up in their shared moment.

They can feel the lift descending to the basement, but their focus is entirely on each other, savoring the connection they share.

When the lift reaches the basement, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji finally pull back from their kiss.

Both of them are breathless but smiling, their faces flushed with happiness.

They exchange a warm glance, appreciating the closeness and affection they’ve just shared.

As the lift doors open, they step out together and make their way to the car.

The night is calm, and their shared kiss in the lift has only strengthened their bond.

They walk side by side, ready to continue their evening together, feeling more connected than ever.

At the office, Wei Wuxian's intense affection for Lan Wangji is creating a unique and difficult situation.

Everyone in the company is aware that Wei Wuxian, their boss, is highly interested in Lan Wangji, a new intern.

This knowledge has drastically changed the dynamics of the workplace.

Wei Wuxian’s behavior is quite noticeable when he keeps a close eye on Lan Wangji, making sure he is always aware of where omega is and what he is doing.

Whenever someone tries to show interest in Lan Wangji or flirt with him, Wei Wuxian’s reaction is immediate and intense because he gives them a fierce, almost threatening glare, making it clear that he is not pleased with any attention directed towards Lan Wangji.

This intimidating look is enough to deter most people from approaching Lan Wangji.

The favoritism shown by Wei Wuxian towards Lan Wangji has become a hot topic among the employees.

It’s clear to everyone that Lan Wangji receives preferential treatment, this favoritism is not only in the form of Wei Wuxian’s attention but also in the special opportunities and advantages given to Lan Wangji.

The employees have noticed that Lan Wangji is often praised and given more tasks and responsibilities, which leads to more discussion and gossip.

As a result, many employees start to feel that Lan Wangji is receiving special treatment because of his relationship with Wei Wuxian.

They start to view Lan Wangji as someone who is in a unique and advantageous position, using his perceived innocence and charm to get ahead in the company.

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