5) Got A Secret, Can You Keep It?

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Hey everyone! 👋🏻 I hope you all are doing well 💚

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Hey everyone! 👋🏻 I hope you all are doing well 💚.
So I just wanted to let you all know that, I have changed the storyline (and the title of the book) from a simple love story to a love story with supernatural, horror, and mystery element. Hence, I had to write this chapter. I hope you enjoy it 💚✨.

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Veer's POV:-

Mistakes are a part of life. We all have always been taught that our mistakes make us who we are, they help us become a better person. Without mistakes, we would, just stay the same..... but sometimes, I think its better to just stay the same, because who knows, what your mistakes will make you.

Walking down the hallway of my college's dorm, my feet felt heavy. It was half past midnight so the hallway was deserted and quiet.

With a shovel in my left hand, I was walking like a zombie. It was as if I knew what I was about to do was wrong but my body was not in my control. The thirst I felt was rising and I knew only one thing could quench this thirst.

Reaching the door of my dorm room, I opened the door using my keys. As I had anticipated my roommate, Carl was sleeping peacefully on his bed, which was on the right side of the room. He was lying on his side, with his face towards the wall. I walked and stood by the bed, watching him. In that moment, just for a second I felt a little pity for him but soon the urge was back.

I have to kill him.

The shovel trembled in my tremulous hand. I was going to do the most outrageous thing, and I was hesitant for that. But, as always, that hesitation didn't last long.

Flinging my hands in the air, I hit him on the head with the shovel. He did not move, but soon the pillow started soaking in his blood. The stench of iron filled my nostrils, and I grinned when I saw the blood soaking his pillow.

I reached over to pull him, so I could see his lifeless face but soon my delight turned into shock when I realised who I had just killed.

It wasn't my roommate, Carl, as I had thought.

It was Vivaan, my younger brother.

I stared at his pale face in horror when suddenly he opened his eyes and grabbed my arm.

I woke up with a jolt, breathing heavily. It took me a few seconds to make sense of my surroundings. I was lying on my bed in my room. The mystery novel which I was reading earlier was lying open on my chest.

I remembered that I had come back to my house in Virginia from college last week.

My eyes travelled to the wall clock above the dressing table. The clock said three o'clock in the morning. Keeping the book on the nightstand, I sat on the edge of the bed. The window was open letting my room brighten up by the moonlight.

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