"Child, born from darkness,
To darkness you shall return.""Child born from darkness,
For your birth, you shall burn"The higher ups of the the Miyano clan, chanted the same words again and again, as they snatched a newly born baby girl from her mother for one reason only.
The mark of possesion.
The Miyano clan was notorious for breeding the strongest of sorcerers in the jujutsu world, and it was rumoured that their origin was of human, as well as cursed blood. The mark of possesion was an indication that the person was a vessel for their Curse Ancestor Spirit, Akuryoujin, which was locked away in Jujutsu high, by Master Tengen.
"Please don't take her away from me. Please. She's the only one I have left.", my mother shouted, tears streaming down her eyes, as I was taken away to be executed.
"You're a fool Hana. This thing you call your daughter is of cursed blood. She is supposed to be a vessel, yes, but if Akuryoujin was to be unleashed, she wouldn't last. None of them do. Her fate is death. She is marked.", said the clan head, me in his hands, barely an hour old, crying my eyes out.
He walked to the clan temple, where a green fire was burning, and the same prayer was being chanted again and again.
"The vessel is ready."
I was handled over to the clan priest, who held my tiny body over the fire, as the sorcerers around him watched, not lifting a finger. I was dropped into the fire.
The ritual was complete.
As everybody thought that my body would soon perish, the greenish flames engulfing me started to rise, destroying eveything in their path but me.
Before everyone could escape, the temple was soon covered by the fire, killing everyone that came in it's way.
And not even an hour later,
The entirety of the Miyano was in flames, everything was ashes and the only testimony to their existence left, was me.
The monstrous, infamous vessel of a centuries old Cursed Spirit. A family less, defenseless baby.
he Gojou clan took me in to make sure that I didn't grow up to be a problem to them. Our clans weren't on good terms from the beginning.The higher ups thought I would useful in the future so I was kept alive. I was fed twice a day and if I was lucky and I was allowed to come out of my room once in a while. If I acted out, I was beat up and starved. Now that I think back on it, it was a pretty dumb move to make if they didn't want me to be their enemy.
Every once in awhile when I was escorted to meet the clan head, I would see him, hair as white as snow, eyes as blue as the ocean. He looked as if he held the burden of the entire world on his shoulders.
I hated him. More than anyone in the clan.
He would go on walks in the winter in his Montsuki, as his helper held a parasol over his head.
Gojou Satoru, the 10 year old prodigy.
Everybody was afraid of looking him in the eye, and when he passed by, they would look down.
One day, when our paths crossed, I stopped in the middle of the road. I stared into his eyes and sized him up. He was shorter than me, looked weaker too.
"What's the big deal about this kid?"
I asked the woman escorting me, or dragging me around rather.
The woman shuddered at my words, realizing what I had said, and whom I had said it about.
Her hand trembled as she pushed my head to the ground and made me apologise.
"Apologise, you-you insolent brat!!!", she shouted.
"No. "
"Where did she learn to talk back like that?!!", Gojo's helper yelled.
"I'm extremely sorry, sir. This child doesn't know any better than being a disgrace. She is only 9 years old. I apologize.", she said as she bowed.
He looked into my eyes, not uttering a word. He looked...
When we walked past them, I made sure to whisper one last thing into his ear.
"Sorry, princess."
He turned his head back to look at me again.
This time, I understood what everyone was on about. I could feel his eyes staring into the back of my head, like a needle piercing my skin. I walked away.
That day after I got back, I was beat up and and locked up in my room without food.
I spent the evening trying to use my Cursed technique to produce tiny sound waves that could knock over objects. There was no one to teach me, so I sucked.
It was nighttime and I was still trying to fix the same move, when I heard a small voice.
"Whats your Cursed technique?"
I looked at the window of my room that was supposed to be locked from the outside. But instead, the blue eyed kid from before was looking at me through it, holding on to the window sill, his fluffy white hair visible above the edge.
I pulled him inside.
"Are you dumb?? You shouldn't come here like this. They'll lock you up too!!!" I yelled, grabbing him by the collar.
"Lock me up?, he asked innocently, as if he had never been treated less than a king.
Ah. How could I forget. Princess.
"Why are you here?" Gojou Satoru was the last person you would expect to see in your window.
"To meet you.", he said with the most unfazed, mysterious expression on his face.
That was the first of many times that Gojou Satoru would sneak into my room. We would pretend like we didn't know each other outside because he didn't want me to get into trouble.
He became my first friend. And I became his. We would hang out together in secret. When the clan head changed, I was given a bit more freedom and was allowed to attend training with the other clan kids. We spent more time together.
He became my best friend.

ActionMiyano Suki, is a vessel for the Star Grade Curse Akuryoujin and is a 3rd year at Jujutsu High along with Gojou Satoru, Getou Suguru and Shoko Ieri.