Chapter Three

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🗣️"Centuries ago, there was a powerful mystic queen who ruled Amethyst. The reign of evil Luna was dreadful and has left an evil dent in history.

A sun child is a child born with a special ability, some of them can talk to the water, command the soil, or even control the wind.

They were gifts of protection to external forces to Amethyst but they became Luna's renewal sacrifices. In every hundred years, a sun child is born.

Luna killed his cousin, the rightful heir to the throne, while his wife and child labored in the dungeon. The boys were enslaved even of royal blood.

His son married a farmer's daughter who gave birth to a sun child. Luna's renewal sacrifice was approaching so she invited her priest.

Luna was bound to kill the child so its father took it to the future where finding it was tedious. He cursed it to be free from its past and that curse can only be broken by a true love kiss.

Luna became ugly and old, she went down the Pulla Mountain between the cave, and water and dwelled awaiting arousal."

The day had dimmed, and the eyes formed dark images. Young ones of Amethyst gathered around the old fortune teller.

🗣️"The curse is two-sided; Luna can't hurt her but the royal family can't reach her. Ximena is a child of destiny.

To alleviate the dark powers clouding Amethyst, three sun children have been trained but Ximena's powers are unique so she alone can complete the others.

We have to be prepared because Luna will be
back with powers not less than a thousand men once the curse is broken."

The old fortune teller stood from the children and went into her little house. She glimpsed at her mirror and the prophesy came

🗣️"Two feathers of different birds dance to merge. Fate struck and walls fell. The feathers fade and the walls stand. The queen of darkness roars like a hungry lion, she is at the mercy of a feather. PROPHESY!!."


Ximena sat at her table and stared at her laptop until she hit her head on her table and groaned. Her door slipped open and Mike entered a bouquet of white roses, a white note was on it.

She sat up and blinked. Her lips curved and relaxed, they were beautiful. She took it from him and gestured. Mike left.

💬" Hey! Pretty eyes. Boring day huh?" She dropped the note on her desk. She shut her eyes and pressed the roses inches apart from her face.

🗯️"How about a fun time later, charmie." She smiled and took up her white landline.

🗨️" Mike, let's go home at four. It's a fun time, cancel other appointments." She stood and took her bag.


💬" I will tell you what Dad told me when I was struggling to choose a career." Valerie said and Ximena nodded." Once, there was a boy we worked for r penny and he got a penny.

He took the penny to his old sick father and said "Oh, look I made a penny.". The old man nodded and the little boy took the penny to a save.

Again the boy worked for another penny and he got another. He took it to his old sick father and said oh look made a penny," the old man nodded and this time the boy was sad.

He could have played all day with his friends but he worked for a penny to impress the old man yet he hasn't smiled.

The old man sat and said we never get enough lens to see the image in another person's mind but we have it all to always see and reflect on the image in our mind.

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