SESSION 9: Easy come, easy go

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The party had made the two mile trek back to town during the early evening, and because they weren't able to find Adabra a place to stay at that time, the party opted to house at the inn. The cart was parked, and the group got a good night's rest.

Phandalin was a small town, and the party wasn't sure if there were any homes available for Adabra to inhabit. In the morning, Perseus had woken up early to help Adabra figure out where she would stay, and Coco tagged along.

Alexander, Mama, and Stout opted to retrieve the reward for Adabra's safe return to Phandalin, but before they were able to exit the inn Adabra stopped them.

"Wait," she said rifling through the satchel on her side. She pulled out a potion of healing and handed it to Alexander. As she did both she and Alexander began to speak at the same time.

"Here take this..."

"Why, thank ye..."

"Sorry, go ahead..."

"Simply thanking you for the gift. I apologize for my horribly rude interruption."

"Don't worry about it. This is just for, you know, helping out with that manticore and I know it's not much, but I hope that it helps you out in whatever other adventures you might get into. Just know that I will be around Phandalin, wherever Coco and Persius find for me. You can always visit. I brew Potion of Healing, but like we talked about," she held her hand up and whispered to them, "I also do some poisons and venoms. So if you need some of that, I might be able to get some for you."

"I look forward to working with your peers in Neverwinter," Stout told Adabra.

As the three readied to head out, Toblen called to them.

"Hey, don't forget to stop by the Townmaster's Hall. Harbin had put up a reward for the safe journey of Adabra to Phandalin."

"I can't wait to have what is sure to be a very straightforward conversation about our reward. I'm sure there will be no complications whatsoever," Alexander jested.

They exited the inn and started a slow walk toward the city center. Day had broken. The sun had cracked the horizon and was climbing into the sky, and the town started to bustle with life.

There were townspeople moving about and, as the party passed by several who looked familiar, in front of them at the Shrine of Luck their attention was drawn to someone they hadn't seen before. Recalling that they'd met a couple of the people who had been looking over the shrine, this wasn't one of them. A name rung in their heads. 'Sister Garaele.'

She wore a veil over her face and a black religious habit. She was knelt down and making an offering up to the Shrine. The party discussed amongst themselves whether they should approach.

"I almost feel as if we should leave her to her devices...but I don't know, I've got a feeling," Alexander said.

Mama shrugged.

"I am one to respect one's freedoms. But it can't hurt to approach her and ask her what brings her to these parts, never seen around before," he mused.

Alexander took a few steps forward, and he clearly had an expectation that she would immediately turn to him. Instead she didn't seem to take notice. Instead she continued whispering over what looked to be a simple stone in her hands. He attempted to listen in and found that she was praying.

"Mightn't there be something I can say to add to your prayers?" he interjected.

She still didn't acknowledge him, but he had made his presence known. Continuing her prayer over the stone, he tried to hear what she was saying. It's was prayer to the goddess Tymora, a name of which the adventurers have started to become accustomed to hearing around these parts. She was asking Tymora for the knowledge and wisdom to keep Phandalin safe from the White Dragon. As she completed her prayer she looked to Alexander and, without watching her hands, reached out and perfectly balanced her stone on top of the stone pile the adventurers had placed theirs on.

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