Part 5

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I am at the gym, wow, what a revelation. I would say when am I not? But it's like 6 days a week that I forget I

have this membership. I feel like I love coming here yet I manage to put it off like every time I think I should

come. I worked 8 hours this morning. I have concluded that I hate when people break into my personal space.

And when I'm at work and have been rostered bev cell. My personal space is my coffee station, and there to

keep myself sane I need people to not come intervene into my space, especially when I'm doing something

and they try to come clean up, like for literal sakes leave me alone. You are entering my space, you're making

me uncomfortable and you were never welcome. I'm going to have to throw hands white this bitch because no

matter how nice people think she is she just gets into my space and triggers my system so bad it makes me

want to cry and throw things. As soon as I am away from her, all is good, as soon as I can do my own thing

without being interrupted or having my thoughts confused I am totally fine. I will pep up, be happy and feel so

much better, but that can't happen when your in my personal space.

I love my job, I thought I did anyway, but

I am feeling super discouraged lately, I just want to be good but I feel totally shit, and I definitely blame it on

myself and my personal attitude, but I am going to fix that.

My friend group is talking about fruits that are not

juicy in our chat. This was brought up from a banana because they don't make juice like an orange or apple

does. And I honestly can't think of any other normal fruits that don't have juice. My conclusion way to google

avocados, and low and behold, they are fruit. So that what I replied with. A avocado. Thanks. Just like the vine

or meme whatever of the kid who gets one for Christmas, and we all expect her to throw a fit because what a

terrible Christmas present.

I feel like Christmas is so far away, we just had Christmas in July. But it also feels like it is so close. Like it's 4 months away, the end of the year is 4 months away. How is that even possible. I still think it feels closer than it actually is. We're halfway through term 3, and it's the last term of the year, and that is so extremely exciting. I find school extremely depressing; it makes me anxious, I don't like the pace we work at, I can't think fast enough for what I am expected to do. I have so much work due tomorrow, and I have like 6 hours to finish it all. Plus's I have a maths sac after school that goes for 2 hours, then I have to go work at Boz Maccas, which is ridiculous. I am doing a fun little course tomorrow night, I am meant to be being

assessed but I haven't done the work I need to do it, plus the system that they run it off is infuriating. I have to

answer about 60 questions after every chapter of work I do, and every question that I get wrong I have to have

a second attempt at. I got 30 wrong. I actually, like all the test tried really hard to get the answers correct, I did

them in my spare time rather than in the time I am expected to, so I didn't get paid. I don't really understand

how I am expected to re answer the questions correctly if I don't know and cant find the answer to them in the
first place. I can image in this system happened in person it would be like asking a person what 10 + 10 is and

when they don't know asking them again and expecting the correct answer. But they have more time, but

even more they don't have any resources that can help them solve the equation. That is what it is like and I

don't know how to find the stupid answers in the piles of information they give us. And sometimes, it is so

infuriating, the questions are so close to being correct, like they literally are but the answer isn't taken and I

have to find another way to get it correct, which heads up I don't often get.

When I left work today I got the last pie that we had and it was so good, I thorolly enjoyed it, and it went great along with my sugar free blue v that I mixed into my frozen coke. I am content, I really wanted to get more out of the frozen coke though, I want to think I have the energy to concur the world, but I just don't get that. I know that somehow energy drinks are so terribly bad for me, and I do take that seriously and respect that it is a sometimes food, I just

want to feel absolutely knock my socks of caffeinated, like I do when I drink coffee, I feel like my hands might

shake off, but It gives me a bit of anxiety therefore its not that great. I don't get that when I drink energy drinks, it still feel less tired and energized just without the bad things I get from coffee.

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