Where You Are (Jason/Sam)

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I just had this song come on by Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey and I couldn't help but think of JaSam. I know Jason is suppose to come back alive but to think if he was really dead for this drabble sake.

Sam was looking out the window in the penthouse when she swore she could almost feel Jason standing there with her in his arms. Yes she was dating Dante and even leaving with him but she still couldn't shake her heart belonging to Jason. When she was scared most is when she usually felt it most. She would often question if she is doing right by her kids and he would just be there and she could hear him tell her she is. There are even times when she wasn't sure she should be with Dante or anyone and she would see Jason's face telling her that she needed to move on from him and that would give her the peace she needed to do that. That is all the times she would feel him but tonight was different for some reason and she wonders if he is just needing to hold her as much as she needs him to hold her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2024 ⏰

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