Spookapalooza Scares

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Later that night, at the Spookapalooza, Velma was interviewing a few Spooky Island employees, currently she was talking to one who had actually started working very recently on the island and had a green and blue reflective skeleton suit.

"So you haven't noticed anything unusual since you started working here?" Velma asked, getting a head shake from the employee. "Any weirdos running around?"

"No" The employee answered

With a flash of light, the employee vanished out of thin air which caught Velma by surprise as people dressed as what is called Evil Elves ran into the area and circled around a flame pit in the area as a man came up to a stand nearby.

"Welcome, dear victims...." The man started as a wrestler came into view next to him. "My name is N'Goo Tuana

N'Goo pointed at the wrestler and said, "And this is my evil best pal, Zarkos. You may recognize him from Telemundo as the famous masked wrestler....Zarkos."

Velma tilted her head.

"This enchanted island has been is a thoroughfare to the supernatural realm. For centuries, it was hoe to creatures who lived on the island, undisturbed." N'Goo comments. "But then, 10 years ago, Emile Mondavarious ANTAGONIZED THESE ANCIENT BEINGS, merely by building a theme park here!"

"The creatures are furious, my friends." N'Goo comments as him and Zarkos along with the Spooky Island employees sort of surrounded Velma in a way. "And I assure you, while you party, They....plot.....their....REVENGE!!"

Just then, as all the evil elves start bowing down, the flame in the fire pit rises up and in it, looks like the head of some sort of weird demon.

"Do my friends frighten you?" N'Goo asked Velma

"They would.....if it weren't for the holographic projectors." Velma said, pointing to said projectors. "There, there, there, and there.."

N'Goo silently grunted before patting Velma's head a few times and saying, "What a smart little one."

Meanwhile,  Scooby had gotten lured out into the forest on the promise of hamburgers over an ominous phone call. Meanwhile, as he did that, Shaggy was with Mary Jane, at a claw machine.

"You want a stuffed thingy?" Shaggy asks

"Oh nobody can win at those!" Mary Jane comments

Shaggy pulled out a few quarters.

"Fred says it's a worthless talent, and that I should've learned French instead." Shaggy comments, putting the quarters in and using the machine. "But I repsonded to him with 'You don't need to know what Voulez-vous coucher avec moi means to love that song'!"

Shaggy managed to get a stuffed head out of the machine with ease.

"I think being good at crane machines is way cooler than knowing French." Mary Jane comments

Shaggy handed the small stuffed head to Mary Jane.

"Voila." Shaggy comments

"No one's ever given me a stuffed head before." Mary Jane comments

Out on the beach, Daphne was looking around. Hearing chanting from a hut. She walked up to the hut.....the man in it looked to be in his 30s, usual beach hermit type stuff, but also clearly someone doing some sort of work on the island, some sort of ritual on a raw chicken.

"Excuse me?" Daphne comments

The voodoo maestro got startled by Daphne's voice.

"What are you doing??!?" The maestro said. "Now I have ot start my voodoo ritual all over again!"

Daphne rose an eyebrow.

"Voodoo ritual?" Daphne questioned

"Yeah, I was about to sacrifice this chicken." The maestro comments

Daphne looked at the chicken in question.

"But...that chicken isn't alive." Daphne points out

The maestro rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I know it's not alive smart little girl." The maestro comments. "You figure that out when you saw it didn't have a head??!?"

Daphne tried to say something.

"Now what are you doign here??" The maestro asks. "What do you want? Why you all up in my voodoo ritual space?"

Daphne took a deep breath.

"I'm looking for clues as to who's behind what's going on with the students." Daphne comments

"Oh....." The maestro comments. "Well, here's something for you. Purple is a fall color. IT'S THE MIDDLE OF MAY! Listen, do yourself a favor and get off this island. Go home! Go home before the dark evil befall your skinny, aerobicized booty."

Daphne was confused at how the maestro was telling her all this.

"And whatever you do...do not, I repeat, DO NOT go into that Spooky Island castle." The maestro added, pointing his knife at part of a window in his hut, showing said castle

Daphne thought for a second.

"Aha!" Daphne comments. "You WANT me to go up to that castle."

The maestro was confused. He didn't want her to go.

"Didn't you just hear what I said?" The maestro questioned

"But you're being scary." Daphne comments. "And you knew I'd do the opposite of what you told me, so you told me not to go to the castle so I would go up to that castle where you set a trap to capture me. Unless....unless you'd knew I would figure it out. So you told me not to go so I would think that you WANTED me to go so that I wouldn't go, just like you didn't want me to!"

The maestro was taken aback by Daphne's thinking path.

"I'll find out what you're hiding in that castle." Daphne said with a smirk. "You watch."

As Daphne walked off, the maestro had a look of confusion on his face.

"What in the world?" The maestro comments

In the forest, Scooby was walking around, following his nose and signs.

"RHamburgers...where are you?" Scooby comments

Scooby eventually managed to find his way to the burgers. he took the bag and began chowing down. not noticing the monster coming out behind him. As he was munching, the tree began smacking the monster a few times.

When done, the monster lifted the bag off of Scooby's head. Scooby yelled, pulling the bag back. This went on for a good bit before the monster let out a horrifying screech, causing Scooby to bolt off. He began climbing up a tree. 

Slowly, the monster was following Scooby up the tree. When the tree began bending, Scooby ended up dropping off of the tree. Without much time to respond, the monster got flung off, through the sky, and onto a roller coaster track, getting caught on the cart.

Back at the main area, Scooby came running out, jumping into Shaggy's arms.

"RMONSTER!!! RMONSTER!!!!" Scooby yelped, unaware he lost the beast

"A monster??!?!?" Shaggy questioned

Scooby nodded. However, what came out of the forest was just.......a guy in a bunny suit.

"Scooby-Doo, like, quit goofing around, man." Shaggy said

Mary Jane sighed.

"Well, I guess I should go." Mary Jane comments, gently booping Shaggy's cheek with the stuffed head. "Bye, Scooby!"

Mary Jane gave Scoob some gentle head rubs before walkign off. Then, Daphne appeared nearby.

"Shaggy! Scooby!" Daphne said

Daphne gestured for the two to follow, and confused, they did.

Scooby-Doo! and The Spooky Island CurseWhere stories live. Discover now