Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Pinterest board:

Disclaimer: 1. None of the characters belong to me.

2. Elsa's hair is deep auburn in this fic. 


Jack Frost's earliest memory was a picnic.

He remembered he was six. He remembered it was a bright day, white clouds scattered across the endless cerulean sky. He remembered the warmth of the sun on his skin, he remembered the smile on his mother's lips. He remembered the way his tears fell on his pale skin when he saw and sensed the small gash on his arm. He remembered the exact shade of red his blood was, he remembered wondering if it was the same color when it flowed inside his veins. He remembered his father rushing to his side and taking Jack's arm in his big hands. He remembered the gentle touch of his mother and the concerned look on his sister's face. He remembered the lunch they had. Sandwiches and cookies. Jack remembered playing with his sister under a tree and when he looked at his parents, he saw two people happily in love.

8th December 2022

Darkness surrounded her. Fear and panic surged towards her like a tidal wave, the one she never saw coming. She tried to collect her thoughts and calm herself down, yet her anxiety intensified, leaving a hollow ache in her chest. She fervently looked around, trying to find something, anything that gave her a clue. Finally, when her eyes focused, she could make out the dark outlines of the trees against the somewhat bright night sky. She stepped forward into what seemed like plain empty ground, but when she felt the water on her feet, she realized she was wrong. As she stared at her feet, she could make out the small gentle ripples on the surface of the water, disrupting the reflection of the night sky on the surface. Instantly, she spun around on her heels, her heart pounding against her ribcage as she made a desperate attempt to flee. But as soon as she took one step forward, she felt the chilling grip on her ankle and a cold, unyielding grasp followed. The cold, rough fingers tightened around her, yanking her off her balance. A sharp loud grasp escaped her lips when she felt the echo of the impact rippling through her body as her chest collided with dirt and water under her.

Scream. Scream. Scream. A primal urge rose in her but as much as she tried, she couldn't. It was as if her voice was taken away from her, as was her courage. There was nothing but suffocating silent cries. Fear etched her heart when she realized she was going to die. Gathering all the courage she had, she kicked her feet but her attempts were futile. Each frantic moment only seemed to make whoever, whatever was pulling her into the water stronger. She clawed her nails into the earth, the dirt crumbling underneath her fingertips. The very next moment, all she could feel was the cold freezing water and-

"STOP!" Elsa screamed, her breaths in loud gasps. She had woken abruptly, heart hammering from residual fear. Sweat glistening on her body, she felt the breeze contacting them. She glanced down at her unscathed, clean fingers, a moment of relief washed over her, mingled with tears swelling her eyes, and falling down her face. Her phone chimed, and when she saw the time, she forgot about her nightmare. Or she thought she did.

'Fuck' she cursed under her breath, threw the blankets off her in a swift motion, and ran to the bathroom, stripping out of her sweatpants and tank top, and stepping into the shower. She stood under the flow of hot water, until her tears mingled with them.


"What are you looking for?"

"Your pearl earrings"

"Stop stealing my stuff"

"It's not stealing if I give it back"

Elsa sighed as she stepped near her sister, shoving her away and firming closely the drawer Anna was ruffling in. "But you don't give it back? The sweater you borrowed a month ag-"

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