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I'm just a Atlanta girl who moved to London to start a new life. Love wasn't really my intention. It never was really. I kinda accepted the fact that I wouldn't have found love now that i'm 23 years old. There's not many guys that are..like attractive my age. Well not a lot i've seen. But there's this one guy I met..

People call him "Tazer" and he's still yet to tell me his real name. Or maybe that is his real name I don't know. But yeah I met him kinda on accident but not really. I was walking down a street and a few guys that were wearing red bandannas starting "barking" at me. Not necessarily barking but you know how guys are. I just remember one of the guys he looked young..I think they called him Tiny? I don't know but he had the courage to actually walk up to me and practically beg for my number.

Then before I knew it the whole gang was all around me just checking me out and it made me mad uncomfortable. Then that's when Tazer came and told them to leave me alone. It's like he was some kind of crazy master or something because they all listened without questioning. The situation went something like this.

"Aye. The hell is wrong with y'all. Move." Tazer said.

They all smacked their teeth and went back to where they were before they approached me. Tazer had followed their movement and then turned back to me and looked me up and down.

"Shouldn't be walking alone out here by yourself. Dangerous."

Y'all when I tell you this man was fine! He had that nonchalant attitude with a hint of protectiveness and then type of boys be having me on my knees honey! Lemme lock in. But for real he had me mesmerized. He's deadass handsome. Why his ass out here gang banging.

I can fix him...

I just stared at him not even realizing I was staring. It's like I never saw a boy as handsome as he is. Atl niggas ain't got shit on him.

He stared at me back and realized I was in a daze and snapped in my face.

"Aye you good? Looked like you seen a ghost. Youn talk much do you?"

Shit he caught me. This shit so embarrassing.

"oh- my bad...I was just daydreaming. I don't talk that much actually." I said.

He raised his eyebrows. "You ain't from here is you?"

"nah i'm from Atlanta I moved down here like a month ago why?"

"You just sound American. What's your name?"

Alright boy you starting to ask too many questions. You handsome in all but you still a stranger to me.

"you asking too many questions I just met you five minutes ago..." I said crossing my arms.

He smirked a bit.

Ouuu baby don't do that! Shit now I feel bad I wanna give him everything now! Fuck..

"My fault luv just tryna get to know you..for real tho stay away from this area. This our spot we don't like new comers understand? Things can get messy over here last thing I want is you to get caught up in it. Igh?" He said sounding a bit more serious and protective.

That accent gon make me do some things...

"yeah i got you.." I said.

He nodded and started to look around. His lil gang members were all snickering and watching us have a conversation in the back. Still kinda barking at me. So fucking weird. I see why his ass in control he the only one who seem to have some respect.

He then pulled out his phone and handed it out to me.

"Put yo number here. Call me yeah?"

Damn now he taking orders. Apart of me wanna listen but at the same time I ain't that easy no matter how fine you is.

"number? nah i'm good.." I said

"Wha? You gotta man?"

"nah it's just the fact that we just met. plus you be doing all this gang shit and i'm assuming you run things over here. if you wanna talk to me you gotta get this shit together because the last thing i want is to get attached and then you somewhere dead and i can't save you."

He looked at me with an amused expression on his face. Like he was about to laugh. The most jolly i've seen this nigga today.

"Man..you sure do like to jump to conclusion huh? Who said anything about being in a relationship? I just wanted to get to know you but never mind." He said about to walk away.

Aw now i feel bad. Maybe...just maybe i'll get to know him. I mean he don't seem too bad like the other gang niggas. Plus he ain't wanna jump into a relationship and here i go venting to this nigga. UGHH.

"okay wait."

He turned around slowly and looked at me almost a mean mug.

"give me yo phone."

He walked closer to me started down at me. Almost intimidating. I looked up at him making eye contact and took his phone out my hand. I proceeded to put my number in his phone and saved it as Ari, short for Ariana, which is my name.

He took his phone back and smirked.

"Ari yeah?"

I just rolled my eyes. Knowing damn well i'm loving this moment right now.

"yeah. that's me."

He nodded. He kept staring at me. Apart of me wanted to say "nigga the fuck you looking at". But then the other part of me was wet as hellllllllll...

Like that stare would make me do anything. I can cook and clean for you baby whatever you want. But i just kept quiet and stared back at him.

"Aye get out of here. Getting dark you don't need to be wondering by yourself igh?"

"i ain't no baby ima grown ass women i can handle myself nigga."

"Mmm..Ari got a mouth on her yeah? I'm serious. Go home. I'll call you later and answer." He said.

"i might." I said starting to walk the opposite way from him.

I could hear his gang members cheering for him from far. I smiled to myself and started to walk my way back home..

And later that night we did call. Wasn't nothing too special but we did plan on meeting up the next day.

Did i mention is a story about me and baeee...got together? Lemme tell you it was a fucking roller coaster. And it wasn't easy on his end. But trust me everything works out. You just gotta trust the process.

I hope you guys enjoy this lil introduction i tried my best so please if you want vote for my story? Youn got to you reading will still make my bad :3. Love ya i'll try to update as much as i can loves. 💋💋

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