Individual Life

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"Suru bhai! Let's leave na. It's already past 12. Mumma's calling repeatedly." Informed a cheery yet manly voice laced with underlying concern.

"Gauransh, you may leave. I'll need to complete this before calling it a day. Maa must be worried." Uttered a gruff voice softly.

The cabin seemed to be void of any external commotion and how is it even possible at such an odd hour. The building seemed to be still and quite. Suddenly, the elegant black door of his cabin burst open. 

"Gauransh! Why aren't you picking up my calls? Suryansh toh, I get it. He's just like that. Wait! Did you two brothers crack a deal to get me all worried? That's horrible. I better teach you a lesson." Exclaimed a furious voice still a music to the brothers' ears.

"Shaant priye, shaant! Relax Surashi! They aren't little kids anymore. Gauransh yet has a lot to learn. It's better if he sticks with Suryansh close to gather as much as possible." Said Digvijay Khurana.

Surashi huffed and sat on the couch infront of her children before muttering, "You people are workaholics and impossible!"

Digvijay smiled at that before briefly embracing her to which Gauransh just cringed.

"Why don't you people just get a room? Bhai! Let's leave give this elderly couple some space, what say?" Said Gauransh.

"Gauransh! You may call it a day and go home, I'll be there soon." Spoke Suryansh sternly.

"But bhai--"

"No ifs and buts, Gauransh and you, Mr CEO, you better leave right now with us." The MD said pointing at the brothers.


"Listen to your mother, Suryansh." Intervened Digvijay.

Suryansh helplessly stood up. Took his car keys, laptop and gestured his family to lead the way out.


"Wake up, Ujasha!", growled a feminine voice.

"Uhuun! Is it time?" Asked a sleepy Ujasha opening her one eye.

"Didi, it is time!" Said Pariksha.

"Yaar! Pariksha!" Sat up Ujasha spotting her father at the door.

"Ujasha, good morning! Don't you have to go for an interview today?" Enquired Subharat, their father.

"Vo papa, Jaana to hai par... (That father, I have to go but....) Oh shittt! I'm late, I'm late!" Panicked Ujasha.

"Ujasha! Breakfast ready hai (Breakfast is ready)." Shouted Subhaashi, the super mom.

"Aa rhi hu, mumma (Coming, mother)." Replied Ujasha and ran up to get ready as fast as possible for a turtle.

She went downstairs and shoved an uttapam in her mouth as soon as possible to rush out with her Resume and certifications.

"God! I pray that I'm just not late!" Muttered Ujasha joining hands together facing the sky.

She woke up to the reality by the sound of a loud horn.

"Kaun hai be? (Who the hell is it?)" She spat annoyed.

"Ohh! Milady! Calm down. It's you who's walking on the road facing the sky. It's dangerous and fatal you know." The man spoke softly looking at her in her eye as if talking to a kid.

She puffed her already chubby face.

"Gauransh, what the hell are you doing? Let me drive, it'll be better" Spoke another voice from the car.

"Bhai yaar! There's this weird girl daydreaming on the middle of the road about god knows what?!" Replied Gauransh.

"Let her be, will you? Whoever or whatever she is." The gruff voice responded coldly.

"Yeah yeah, atleast he got some sense. Wait, what? Whoever and whatever haan! Do I look like any of that? Damn, you people are just so annoying and infuriating." Uttered Ujasha, angrily.

"We are anything but. For now Miss, Bye bye. We have stuff to do unlike you. I wish to never see you again!" Voiced Gauransh with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Hurry, will you?"

"Aaya bhai! (Coming, brother!)"

He left to the passenger seat not before glaring in her direction which was irking Suryansh more than he already was.


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