How did we end up here

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Raylen's POV

I wake up in the morning with a terrible headache...

I check my phone and see that it is 8:43am and groan to myself that I woke up this early on a Saturday. I look over my shoulder to see that Calum is still asleep.

I am glad he stayed with me the rest of the night, I feel safer when he is here.

I start to replay last night in my head and I can't help but smile. I had a lot of fun with the guys and playing games with them all night.

I then remember that Luke came to my room last night and I start to worry, I hope he wasn't freaked out.

I decide to put the negative thoughts out of my mind so I should get out of bed and sneak downstairs for some food. I am sure the guys are asleep still, so I hop out of bed and head downstairs for exactly that.

I walk past the living room and see Ash and Michael asleep on the couches, but Luke was no where to be found.

Maybe he is in the bathroom, maybe he left...

I continue to the kitchen and grab a bowl out from the cabinet and go to the pantry to pick out some cereal to eat.

As I am putting my breakfast together I hear the piano... the sound is soft like someone is playing very gently.

I am intrigued of course, so I walk towards the piano room to find the blonde boy sitting down, slowly moving his long fingers across the piano keys.

I lead against the door way and observe as Luke plays a few notes and then scribbles in a notebook, this cycle continues for a few minutes.

"Whatcha working on" I walk up to the blonde.

"Holy shit, you scared me" Luke gasps as he turns towards me.

"Sorry, I heard you playing while I was getting breakfast and I wanted to come check it out." I stand next to the piano bench he sitting on.

"It's fine... I am not working on anything, just messing around. I barley play" He stutters.

He shuts his notebook, and sits on it.

"mm yeah ok... What were you writing down." I ask intrigued. 

"Uhh, yeah.. nothing. I am not working on anything seriously." Luke starts to get more nervous.

"Lucas, calm down." I pause.

"You don't have to show me, it was just a question" I continue.

He starts laughing to himself and I just smile at the sound. I like his laugh a lot. 

"Why do you have a piano anyway... does your dad play?" Luke asks puzzled.

"Umm, it was my moms. Calum and I started to play it as we grew up and every once and a while him or myself will come in here and plunk a few songs out." I explain.

"You and Calum know how to play the piano... what else is this guy keeping from me." He whispers.

"What do you mean?" I ask. what does he mean by what else?

"Oh, just shocked to know he plays an instrument, that's all" He says to me.

There is a small pause and then Luke scoots over and pats the small space open on the bench next to him. I sit down as he requested.

"Play me something" The blonde asks me.

"I don't even know what to play, I am blanking on everything I know." I chuckle feeling a little nervous. I have never played for anyone besides my family.

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