chapter three(edited)

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(Edited in 2016)

Third pov--

"Lucy they hurt us" erza sadly said as she took lucy off her back. She nodded. "I know erza!" She yelled. "They did it on accident." Lucy said shaking erza. Erza shoved her. "How do you know? You just fucking met them!!" Erza growled.

"Requip: black wing armour!" Erza glew a bright yellow light for a second then the light went away. She had was holding her swords, in a fighting stance position. Mikasa pulled out her sword and same with eren while hanji ran off to go and tell the guards what was going on.

"Hurry, Lucy go!" Erza yelled when the Erza charged with great force. Lucy stood in her grounds in confusion and then quickly slithered through the fight and out the wooden door. She ran down random halls. She knew that erza would be okay but what would happen to the other people is what worried her.

Lucy ran up a few stairs to a wooden door and pushed it open. The room was lit brightly from the sunlight. It hurt lucy's eyes. She was in the dark for so long her eyes got use to it. She rubbed her eyes and walked quietly to another door. She pushed the door open and saw that she was outside. People were walking around everywhere not even noticing the celestial mage. Lucy looked down at her clothes and saw that she was wearing brown pants and a white shirt. The clothes were a little dirty. Lucy stepped out and closed the door, griping her keys. 'Damn where am i? This looks nothing like fiore' Lucy thought as she strolled along the streets.

Back where erza was the guards couldn't stop erza. She broke free from them and ran outside looking for Lucy. Erza wasn't in her armor anymore. Erza jogged along the streets, when she turned a corner she slammed right into someone. Erza looked down and saw a guy shorter than her who: had a kind of bob cut hair cut that was brown, Brown eyes, he looked sick and had a very serious look. Erza sweat dropped. He looked at her with a blank stare. Out of the blue he attacked her.

'Wow he's pretty strong for a small guy' erza thought. Erza dogged all his punches almost getting hit a few times. She jumped up on a roof then ran off jumping roof to roof. Almost out of breathe erza spotted another person she knew. Taurus.

Erza turned around and saw the guy was still after her. She jumped off the roof and landed swiftly. 'If Tarus is here then it means Lucy is near by' erza thought as she quickly made her way to Taurus. He was swinging his axe at the guards as Lucy was using her whip that she got from virgo.

The guy was still running after her. Erza sighed and ignored him. "LUCY!!" Erza yelled as she changed into her heaven wheel armour. Lucy quickly forced Taurus's gate closed and jumped into a window. Lucy grunted from a sharp pain that suddenly was in her back.

Erza raised her swords. The guy chasing her stopped running and looked up at her in shock. Everyone was in shock. They were still in shock from when Lucy summoned Taurus.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR TOWN!" erza raged. "YOU HURT LUCY! YOU HURT MY GUILD" a black aura surrounded the angered mage. "NOW YOU SHALL PAY!" She threw her swords making sure that it hit the guards, but pink clouds protected them. The swords dropped to the floor.

The clouds slowly faded away and it was Lucy standing there with her arms opened. What shocked erza the most was that Lucy :had Aries horns on her head. Erza dropped to the floor and ran to Lucy. "What happened Lucy!" "I don't know" "you don't have that kind of magic!" Lucy nodded.

"What are you guys?" The guy chasing erza earlier asked walking up to them. "We're humans" Lucy spat. He shot her a glare and she sent one back. "How did you do that?" Eren asked running to them. "We have magic" Lucy said in a 'duh' tone. "There is no such thing as magic." Mikasa said popping out from behind eren. "How do you think I do my Requip?" Erza snapped. "True.." eren dragged on. "Show us some more then" he continued. Erza and Lucy looked at each other not knowing if they should show them. Lucy pulled out leo's key. "OPEN GATE OF THE LION: LEO!" Lucy yelled putting the key in front of her and a door bell was heared. The key glew and then disappeared. "AAAHHH LEO!" Lucy screamed looking for his key. "Lucy?.." erza whispered. "Your hair" erza picked up a chunk of her hair.
Lucy looked at her hair and saw that her hair was slowly turning orange.

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