7 メ𝟶メ𝟶

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Today was the day he would talk to Haechan, lay everything out, and find out once and for all where they stood. He couldn't continue living in this limbo of confusion and longing.


After a quick shower and a light breakfast, Jaemin set out for Haechan's house. His heart raced with anticipation, each step bringing him closer to the moment that could change everything. He replayed his words over and over in his mind, hoping he could convey his feelings without stumbling.

When he reached Haechan's door, he took a deep breath and knocked. Within moments, Haechan opened the door, his face lighting up with a smile that made Jaemin's heart skip a beat.

❝Hey, Jaemin,❞ Haechan greeted, stepping aside to let him in. ❝Come on in.❞

Jaemin entered, the familiar comfort of Haechan's house easing some of his nerves. They made their way to the living room and settled on the couch. Haechan sensed the seriousness in Jaemin's demeanor and tilted his head in concern.

What's up?❞ Haechan asked, his voice gentle.

Jaemin took a deep breath, steeling himself. ❝Haechan, there's something I need to talk to you about. It's been on my mind for a while now, and I can't keep it in any longer.❞

Haechan's expression softened, and he reached out to place a reassuring hand on Jaemin's knee. ❝You can tell me anything, Jaemin. You know that.❞

Jaemin nodded, his heart pounding. ❝These past few weeks have been incredible. Spending time with you, the way we've been together... It's made me realize something. I've started to feel more for you than just... physical attraction. I think I'm falling for you, Haechan. I want to be more than just friends with benefits. I want to be with you, for real.❞

For a moment, there was silence. Jaemin held his breath, waiting for Haechan's response. Then, Haechan's face broke into a warm, relieved smile.

I've been feeling the same way,❞ Haechan confessed, his voice thick with emotion. ❝I've wanted to tell you for so long, but I was afraid it might scare you away or complicate things. But I care about you, Jaemin. I want us to be together, officially.❞

Jaemin's heart soared, relief and joy flooding through him. ❝Really?❞

Really,❞ Haechan confirmed, his eyes shining with sincerity. ❝So... will you be my boyfriend?❞

Jaemin couldn't help the broad smile that spread across his face. ❝Yes. Yes, I will.❞

The tension between them dissolved in an instant, replaced by a sense of profound happiness. Haechan leaned in, capturing Jaemin's lips in a kiss that was both tender and passionate. It was a kiss filled with all the unspoken words, the shared desires, and the promise of a future together.

Jaemin's hands slid up to cup Haechan's face, deepening the kiss. Their movements were slow and deliberate, each touch a confirmation of their feelings. Haechan's hands roamed Jaemin's back, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them.

They broke apart only to catch their breath, their foreheads resting against each other's. ❝I'm so happy,❞ Jaemin whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.

Me too,❞ Haechan replied, his hands gently stroking Jaemin's sides. ❝This feels so right.❞

They kissed again, their lips moving in a dance of desire and affection. Haechan's hands slipped under Jaemin's shirt, the warmth of his touch sending shivers down Jaemin's spine. Jaemin's own hands explored Haechan's body, memorizing every curve and line.

The kiss deepened and Haechan gently guided Jaemin back until he was lying on the couch, Haechan hovering above him. The intensity of their connection was electrifying, each touch, each kiss, a promise of the love they shared.

Haechan's lips trailed down Jaemin's neck, his tongue flicking out to taste the sensitive skin. Jaemin's breath hitched, a soft moan escaping his lips. The sound seemed to spur Haechan on, his kisses growing more urgent, more passionate.

❝Jaemin,❞ Haechan murmured against his skin, his voice husky with desire. ❝You're everything I've ever wanted.

Jaemin's heart swelled at the words. ❝And you're everything I've ever needed,❞ he replied, his hands threading through Haechan's hair, pulling him closer.

Haechan reclined against the cushions of the couch, Jaemin nestled beneath him, their bodies comfortably close. Haechan's gaze wandered to his vape on the side table, a small, familiar object that had been a part of their intimate moments. He reached for it, his movements slow and deliberate. Jaemin watched, his eyes filled with curiosity and affection.

Haechan held the vape to his lips, taking a deep, leisurely puff. The soft hiss of the device filled the room, blending with the gentle rhythm of their breathing. He exhaled a cloud of vapor, the sweet, fruity scent of strawberry ice mingling with the warm ambiance of the room.

Turning to Jaemin, Haechan's eyes sparkled with a playful glint. He leaned in, capturing Jaemin's lips in a kiss that was both gentle and fervent. The initial contact was tender, a soft brushing of lips that quickly evolved into something more passionate. The vapor from Haechan's exhale lingered in the air, adding a unique layer to their kiss.

As their lips moved together, Haechan allowed the sweet strawberry ice flavor, which he learnt was the other's favourite, to blend with the taste of Jaemin's lips. The sensation was intoxicating, a heady mix of intimacy and desire. Jaemin responded with equal fervor, his hands finding their way to Haechan's face, guiding him closer.

Haechan's fingers tangled in Jaemin's hair, his touch light yet insistent. He deepened the kiss, his mouth moving with a slow, deliberate rhythm that spoke of both tenderness and longing. The flavor of the vape danced between them, a sweet, cool contrast to the heat of their kiss.

Jaemin's hands roamed over Haechan's shoulders, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them. The kiss became a beautiful exchange of breaths and feelings, each inhalation and exhalation blending their senses together. The warmth of Haechan's body, the taste of strawberry ice, and the closeness of their lips created a symphony of sensations that left both of them breathless.

Their kisses grew deeper, more intense, as if trying to convey all the emotions they had been holding back. Haechan's hands moved to Jaemin's waist, holding him securely as their lips met in a passionate dance. Jaemin's response was equally eager, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on Haechan's back.

The room seemed to disappear around them, leaving only the two of them and the sweet, lingering taste of their kiss. The vapor from Haechan's vape settled in the air like a fragrant mist, adding an extra layer to the intimacy they shared. Each kiss was a promise, a declaration of their newfound love, and a reminder of the connection they had forged.

Eventually, they pulled back slightly, their foreheads resting together, their breaths mingling in the quiet space between them. Haechan's eyes were dark with emotion, his gaze locked onto Jaemin's.

You're incredible,❞ Haechan murmured, his voice a soft whisper against Jaemin's lips.

Jaemin smiled, his eyes sparkling with affection. ❝So are you,❞ he replied, his fingers gently caressing Haechan's cheek.

They leaned in for another kiss, a slow, lingering exploration that left them both savoring the moment. The flavor of strawberry ice, the warmth of Haechan's touch, and the tenderness of their connection created a memory they would cherish.

They finally parted, the room was filled with a sense of contentment and peace. They remained close, their bodies pressed together, savoring the intimacy they had shared. The evening continued with a gentle, comforting silence, each of them lost in their thoughts, basking in the warmth of their newfound love.

Jaemin knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey; filled with the kisses they shared, the sweet flavor of the vape, and the promise of countless new memories to savour together.

_____ END_____

⸻ メ𝟶
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