Chapter 37

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The word echoed out as if in slow motion.

Vivian realised first, almost instantly, where she had heard that name before. Out of Austins mouth the day prior. The memory flashing before her within a few seconds, before a few of the others' faces contorted in recollection. Austin's own face grew sheepish. Knowing one of the group would catch on, and remember his foolish slip-up. His pale gaze falling to his feet, not bearing to meet anyone else's. Like he was trying to slip away, be forgotten. Not jog their memory with his very presence, with even a breath

But it was Jade's face who paled next. Her one working eye widening as the realisation struck her like a punch to the face. Vivian had turned to her, unsure what to say, what to do, and whether to do anything at all. Yet it was Jade's voice who spoke first - cutting the tension that lingered among the six of them.

"Thats what you called her Austin," She spoke slowly, and quietly, her tone flat, betraying no emotion. And none in the crowd around them would hear her enough to pay attention to her, thinking her no more than some fearful mumbling like the rest of them.

However, whether it was her words, or their grim expressions - the attention of Theo was captured. Multiple giveaways were there that something was horribly amiss. Perhaps it was the clenched fists of Jace. Or Vivian's glare that spoke enough words without her having to open her mouth.

"What's going on?" He asked now, his eyes flitting between Austin, Jade, and the rest of them.

However, before anyone had the chance to offer a reply - Austin dashed off in a sprint. Pushing those in his way to the side without sparing a second for a glance backwards. Now grasping the attention of onlookers. A moment of cowardice, fearfulness, or desperation. But most likely all of which intertwined.

Jace was seconds behind him though. Chasing after him, quicker too, like a predator does to its pray. Managing to reach him and tackle him to the ground as the people surrounding now gasped, confused at the sight. But Jace didn't stop to talk or to offer explanation. Turning Austin round on the floor below him, forcing him to look at him before swinging a punch and colliding with his face. Splitting his lip almost at once, before swinging a second, and a third time. The only noise besides their grunting was the distinct sound of a crack as Austin's nose took a hit.

He himself wasn't without his efforts though, landing but one hit to Jace's own face, before Jace reminded of his place beneath him again.

Nathaniel and Theo were the first to get a grip on Jace - grasping his shoulders and pulling him back before he killed Austin. Aanya and Jackson second on the scene moments, later, getting Austin by his own too. Vivian remained by Jade's side, who seemed to be staring off distantly, an arm round her. As did Whitney who now also understood what was occurring, while Javon lingered between the groups, not sure who to be with most, or what he should do.

"Get her body out of sight," Aanya ordered to another, as she held Austin, before gesturing for Javon to replace her hold on Austin and telling him and Jackson to restrain him in the very hall their group had been initially brought to when they were taken here.

For a second, his mouth opened, as if to make a plea for mercy, but it was silenced by Aanya, who told him to shut up.

Whatever it was that had happened, she wasn't quite sure, but with just one look at the rest of their faces, she could tell it was Austin. He was not innocent.

"What happened?" Leesa now asked, the who had been a spectator to the whole thing, coming to stand next to Nathaniel who had now relinquished his grip on Jace.

"He's a spy," Jade deadpanned, still a lack of identifiable emotion present.

"A spy!?" Aanya gasped, louder than she had necessarily wanted or meant too. Trying to keep this discreet, if that was possible now.

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