Chapter 3

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"Keefe?" Lady Gisela's eyes fluttered open as she looked out into the darkness, her hand grasping her son's squeezing as tight as she could. "How long has it been?"

"Mom?" Keefe barely recognized his voice. It was shaky as he broke down and clutched onto her shoulders, shaking with tears. Tears from his fear that she would never wake up, fears of killing someone, and his fears about facing reality. His mom didn't say anything as she wrapped her weak arms around him, letting his tears soak her hair.

When Keefe finally calmed down and pulled away, Lady Gisela cupped his face, gently wiping away the tears that stained his cheeks. "My son..." she whispered, voice fond and full of emotion. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Keefe sniffed loudly, gently grasping his mother's hand.

"For worrying you." She said simply. "I'm sorry I left you alone."

"I wasn't alone." Keefe smiled shakily, eyes watering again. "I really wasn't. But I missed you. I thought you wouldn't wake up."

"Keefe..." His mother pulled him in for another hug, and this time Keefe could feel her own chest shaking with emotion. "I'll never leave you. I promise."

When Keefe told everyone the news, they were visibly relieved. Linh sobbed with a bright smile beaming on her face as she ran to check on Lady Gisela, dragging Tam along with her. Rose and Widget just seemed grateful to not have to deal with Fintan's odd plans and Glimmer didn't seem to care that much.

Right before Fintan would head out to Lumenaria, he handed Keefe a glass marble and a wink before he glittered away to turn himself in. Keefe could tell he wanted him to give the fake cache to Sophie and her friends, as an apology for joining the Neverseen. Clearly he was still useful as a spy.

Sophie contacted him a few times, expressing her worries and telling her what Fintan was up to, which made Keefe laugh a little. It seemed he went just to cause trouble. However a troubled feeling was bubbling up in his stomach, and it only got worse when Sophie told him about the castle beginning to rumble.

He felt himself beginning to panic for no reason at all as he began to pace, attracting the attention of his mother, who sat in a chair reading in the evening light. She closed her book as she motioned for him to come over, pressing something into his hand that he realized was a bead with a tiny leaping crystal.

"Go." she told him. "I know you're worried. You're making me worried too."

"But..." Keefe felt desperation leak into his voice. "What about you?"

Lady Gisela's eyes narrowed. "What about me? I'm fine, go." Her eyes softened though. "Just hail me if you need anything. I'll always answer."

Keefe nodded and gave his mother a tight hug, aware that it might be a long time until he saw her again as he light leaped away, reappearing in front of a giant heap of rubble. He saw a group of survivors gathering in the entrance so he ran around to the back, desperately running through crumbling stairs and through unstable hallways.

A few times the floor caved out beneath him but Keefe used his levitation and telekinesis to avert most of the trouble. He was out of breath when he heard shouts, running towards the direction to see Mr. Forkle fighting Gethen and Brant. They were deep underground and the ceiling was particularly unstable, large pieces of debris falling every time one of them used their abilities.

Gethen had several cuts and bruises over his body but nothing severe and he wielded a long sword, swinging constantly at Mr. Forkle who dodged with ease. Brant had lit the entire place on fire with Everblaze, careful not to injure Gethen.

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