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Good Day to everyone, well maybe not the right thing to say, but hello regardless. To those whom are reading this, it should be known that the series I've wanted to do, God of Destruction Kakarot: Kakarot and the Many Worlds; is basically dead, for a few reasons; (1)School, (2)My mental state[Won't go into that], (3)Work, and (4)Fumbled the story. I'd wanted to do the story fully as it is a fun concept, but the very aspect of it would also prove too difficult to juggle with everything else I'm currently handling, plus I'd wanted to do a prelude to the story as well, and it would turn out to be very difficult to achieve in tandem with the story in question.

But for the time being I'm going to have this series sorted out and made to be very cohesive to the original as well, to you know, make it seem like it was published and serialized. For that, I'm also considering trying to reach out to artists to have it illustrated and drawn. I'm not sure how this is going to turn out, but let's hope for the best, won't we?

This is more or less a composite version of Bardock's backstories. This will serve as a prelude to the current version of "Goku's" backstory as Kakarot. It will lead to him becoming the God of destruction at the end of it all. Part of it will include the Super iteration of Bardock's and Goku's backstory, it will also include the anime only specials as well.

The Bio that I've done for basically all the characters, only Goku has had his one changed. Goku's name is Kakarot here, and for the most part, his personality forward will not be anything of worth, and will reflect his age here as in this part, he would be an infant.

PS. And to anyone whom wants to give their input, its greatly appreciated, plus I'm trying to set-up and open a Patreon. So should anyone who likes the story wants to support me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Dragon Ball 0 - Prelude to the Saiyan Prophecy - BARDOCKWhere stories live. Discover now