Hiding 50

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Authors note: okay I really gotta wrap this up because this story is too long than I usually make it for so maybe a few chapters more and I'll work on the Finally

"So that's why you left" Anna said and looked at Hiccup who were having a private conversation about Hiccups some what childhood "yeah after my parents died in an Accident they're wi'll specifically said That Drago Bludvist is my guardian from there on in hes been teaching me things showing me things and taking care of me" Hiccup said and poured himself a small cup of whiskey in a small cup and some ice

"Sorry to hear that I cant really compare mine to yourse I still had my mother and had time to spend with my Dad the both of them didnt really like the idea of ne as a Vlogger but it's something I've always wanted to do" Anna said and took out her phone and smiled at it "well honestly I never thought I'd wanted to be a weapons manufacturing and I still dont but I just liked it becaus woman came to me so easily" Hiccup said and took a sip of his whiskey

"Wow good to know" Anna said and wasnt still feeling confterble with Elsa being part of Hiccups small Harem "I'm still confused on how you managed to convince my sister to basically join you" Anna said and gave Hiccup a type of death stare but Hiccup kept his composure and leaned back "honestly I don't either part of me says I can take care of her and the others but part of me feels like I dont deserve her at all" Hiccup said and looked at Anna's facial expression and only saw her looking away

"But to be fair tho I'm glad see when Heather was switching my chest Arc reactor she might've turned something inside of me that makes me feel a type of Unpleasently and I need a way to realise that" Hiccup said explaining his condition making Anna feel a bit disgusted "so your using them as Sex toys" Anna said and lowered her hand and looked at Hiccup and began voice recording the whole conversation "what no, no...well sort of their good people but to be honest they are good in bed" Hiccup said giving a small confession

"So your admitting your using my sister and the others as sex toys" Anna said making it a bit loud and clear and began getting close "again not sex toys I love them truly" Hiccup said and Anna kept recording "but you do admit you sort of use them for fun dont worry I wont tell" Anna said because she had other thoughts in mind "well in a way yes" Hiccup said and Anna pressed the pause button on her phone recording enough evidence she needed for a scheme "hmm nice talk but I'm afraid this will be enough" Anna said and showed Hiccup the voice recording showing what she was doing "and what are you planning to do with that" Hiccup said wanting to know the answer before he does something

"This will let my sister know how you feel about her and Thor just using her" Anna said willing to do anything to protect her older sister "hmm I see give me a sec" Hiccup said and looked at the drour next to him and grabbed his own phone and gently aimed it at Anna's phone "thanks for letting me log into your account and thanks for telling me the truth" Hiccup said and showed Anna what he was controlling and deleted the audio recording "and I also have the account for your Vlog would you like me to delete that as well" Hiccup said and gave a mischievous grin at Anna

"Wait what...how no, no, no" Anna said and tried to reach for Hiccups phone but accidently landed on top of him while Hiccup tried to stretch his arm out but sooner or later he heard some tears coming from Anna and saw Anna crying some small tears but trying to contain them "dont worry I was just messing around I deleted the voice message tho" Hiccup said and turned off his phone but Anna still didnt got off of him "it's just that...Elsa is always protecting me and I've always wanted to protect her like she protected me I just want what's best for her too you know" Anna said and gently rested her head on Hiccups chest

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