Stuck with you

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Yu Jimin the oh-so-perfect student

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Yu Jimin the oh-so-perfect student. The student council president. Has high grades, and is a model student. Some say she is so kind and fun to be around. So perfect isn't she?

Well, I hate her. She's just a little too perfect. Flawless, even. I hate how she put up this act around people to make her look good, for all I know she's hiding something. Something so indecent that will threaten her image of being perfect.

I don't hate her out of jealousy, I just hate fake people who force themselves to fit in. I hate them, it reminds me of my mom. She was a celebrity, everyone looked up to her. She was so perfect on screen, that the media portrayed her as 'too good to be true' because of her beauty. Little did they know, that woman has a secret that is crucial to keep hidden. That she had me, a daughter who she disregarded, abused, she never took care of me.

That's why I hate Yu Jimin. Actually, I wouldn't have cared about her and just let her be like any other people, but something about her icks me off. Something about the way she smiles at me when she passes by, the way her eyes would turn into a crescent when she smiles, that fucking smile makes me... wanting more. Whenever I see her, she gives me the feeling of being dependent- longing for care.

I don't like the way she makes me feel. All my life I've been independent. I stand on my own two feet and never rely on anyone. It took a long time to build a barrier between myself and other people, but why is it easy for her to break down those walls?

"Ms. Kim Minjeong, please pay attention" I was brought back to reality when the professor called me, all of my classmates were looking at me including her. Jimin, with her smile. I rolled my eyes and slumped on my chair.

The professor continued with the discussion for an hour. I just want this day to be over and go home already.

"Excuse me, Professor Kang. The board has requested a meeting with all the professors" A student representative said from the door

"Oh is that so? Okay everyone class dismissed" Professor Kang said while gathering her things and going out the door


I walked out of the room almost immediately. I was eager to get out of this place and just sleep in my bed, but as I was rushing I bumped into someone, she was holding a cup of coffee which splattered all over my uniform. Great just great

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry" She was probably a sophomore

"Tsk! Just be careful next time," I said irritated. I feel so sticky and wet.

"I'm so sorry again" the student bowed and I just walked away. Luckily I have an extra shirt in my locker. I don't wanna commute on the way home with coffee all over me.

I made my way to my locker and grabbed my black T-shirt. I went to the restroom so I could change my clothes. After changing, I checked my appearance in the mirror one last time before going out.

Hopefully, I can go home now. "Uhm excuse me, Minjeong right? Would you mind helping me bring this box to the storage room?" she smiled. Fuck

It was Jimin. She was dragging the box on the floor, it seemed too heavy for her to lift. I looked around and saw no one, it was just us, the other students must have gone home already. I could've just left her, but no. Against my own will, I lifted the box and carried it heading to the storage room with Jimin following behind.

In front of the door, I waited for her to open it. She entered first and guided me where to put the box "Thank you so much Minjeong" she smiled again. I need to go. I need to get out now

I grabbed the door handle but I couldn't twist it. "Shit, it's locked" I mumbled but Jimin seemed to have heard it

"Huh? Let me try" She grabbed the handle, unintentionally grazing her hands on mine, which I immediately retrieved. She tried opening the door but failed

"Don't you have the key or something?"

"I don't have it"

"Great! Now we're stuck here!"

"Uhm..." she murmured. She started pacing around the room and panicking

Phone, yes! We can contact someone outside. I grabbed my bag and took my phone out. Shit, it's drained I shouldn't have used it for online games earlier.

"Do you have your phone?"

"I left it at the office," she said, her voice so small I could barely hear it

Welp, there it goes. I took a seat on the floor in the corner of the room. However, Jimin is still pacing back and forth.

I decided to pay no attention and just close my eyes leaning back. There's nothing we can do now. I stayed like that for a couple of minutes til I heard sobbing. I opened my eyes and saw Jimin by the door hugging her knees while crying

'Dramatic much?' I thought

"Why are you crying?"

"I-I'm sorry" She lifted her head and tried wiping her face, but somehow tears just couldn't stop falling from her eyes. She looks so vulnerable like I'm seeing a crack in this flawless glass.

Being a decent person, I approached her and took a seat beside her. I reached out to my pocket taking out a handkerchief. She looked at me looking so soft and innocent. I was drawn by her eyes. I slowly reach out to her face wiping her tears. Her nose became so red now she looked like Rudolph.

"Why were you crying?" I softly asked. She looked like she was going to break if I talked harshly to her

"When I was young I was... kidnapped" She hung her head low, fidgeting with her fingers "I was kept in a small and dark room for five days. I was young and feeling hopeless, I was just five years old back then, I didn't know what to do so I just cried and cried so loud till someone heard me. That's how I was saved. That's why I sorta have trauma on being trapped in small confined spaces." she sniffed repeatedly

"Oh..." I didn't know what to say. I didn't expect it. No words seemed to come out of my mouth so I just draped my arms around her, giving her some kind of comfort

What's happening to me? I hated this person. I despise her, but why am I worried about her? Why am I comforting her?

She looked at me and hugged me back, lying her head on my chest. Seeing her like this made me want to protect her.

"Thank you so much Minjeong for comforting me. I know you have your reputation, but despite that, I don't think you are like what they say about you" she whispered

Hearing that changed my view of her completely. She's not as bad as I thought.

We just stayed there hugging each other until the janitor opened the door, letting us out. It was already past 7 pm when we got out.

"I need to go home, bye minjeong see you tomorrow" She kissed my cheeks before she walked away

I was just standing there, shocked. I slowly brought my hands to my cheek that she kissed and I felt like a heat rushed through my cheeks.

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