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Summary:You and your Husband, Steve Are taking your 4 year old son, Dustin, to Disneyland today 






You wake up to the sound of your alarm ringing repeatedly, "Steve, wake up" You say as you shake him softly 

"It's to early to awake" He groans as he rubs his eyes as you carefully hop out of bed walking to Dustin's room, you walk to Dustin's crib picking him up slowly, 

"Good morning, Dusty" you smile as you change him into some green pants and his favourite dinosaur shirt

"Have you packed his snack bag yet?" Steve asks as he comes in kissing your cheek 

"Shit, I'll go do that now, can you help Dustin brush his hair?" You say as you rush downstairs and you grab all of Dustin's favourite snacks and you put them in his backpack,

Sure you guys have a hotel but driving there can be guaranteed that Dustin will be Hungry at least 50 times, once you're done you quickly rush upstairs and you change into (Whatever you feel is comfortable <33)

"Hey Princess" Steve says as he comes in and kisses your cheek softly making you blush before he hands you Dustin and he starts getting dressed, after he's all dressed he does his hair routine as you give Dustin his toys to play with while you check all the bags until you feel 2 arms wrap around you,

"We have everything, dear" Steve whispers softly in your ear 

"I know I just needed to make sure we had everything, ok?" You say as you turn around giving Steve a quick peck on the lips before pushing Steve softly off you to grab Dustin 

You guys rush to the car quickly grabbing all the bags, "we all set?" Steve asks 

"Yep definitely" you say as you get in the passenger seat and Steve starts driving your way to California 


You guys arrive to you guys' hotel and you grab the bags bringing them into the room, and so does Steve 

"What do you want to do first?" Steve asks as we finish unpacking 

"Dada!" Dustin exclaims sleepily not moving 

"I think we should go to sleep now, it's 7 anyways" you say checking your watch

"And wake up and do all fun stuff" Steve says laying down on the bed 

"Yeah and that too" you say as you pick up Dustin and put him to bed slowly, you turn back to talk to Steve about tomorrow but he's fast asleep underneath the covers

"Goodnight Stephan" You whispers as you get in bed right next to him falling asleep in the best life you could ever imagine 

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⏰ Last updated: 7 hours ago ⏰

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