Chapter 3

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(Alex's POV)

I went to go get some skittles and chocolate from the kitchen when i saw my mom coming back from work. "Hey Alex!" I looked over at her with the bags of skittles in my hand. "Hi mom! how was work?" "Eh, it was alright. How was your time at the mall?" I grabbed the chocolate before responding. "It was good, i'm gonna go back to my room and keep watching the movie Eli and I are watching." "Oh alright, have fun!" She said. I nodded and went back into my room with the stuff.

"I'm back" I said as I walked back into my room. "i see that. What'd you get?" Eli said. "Chocolate and skittles." "Oh nice" I sat back down on my bed and handed them one of the bags of skittles.

(Eli's POV)

Alex handed me one of the two bags of skittles he had in his hands. "Thanks!" He nodded and unpaused the movie.

We were about halfway through the movie when Alex got a text.

(Alex's POV)

I looked at my phone and saw I got a text from a number i didn't recognize.

???: "hey! is this alex??"

Alex: "uhhh yea? why?? who r u and how did u get my number??"

???: "oh yea sorry, it's me noah from the mall. my friend gave me your number"

Alex: "ohhh"

Alex: "i'm a bit busy right now so how about we talk later?"

Noah: "yea! ok! byeee :D"

I smiled at the message and saved his number to my contacts and put my phone down before continuing to watch the movie.

WOAHHHHHH I ACTUALLY WROTE SOMETHING😱😱 i wrote chapter two in like march and only posted it like last night but uhhhhhhhhh yea

i hope you liked this chapter ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊

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