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It was a quiet night and all the potatoes in potatiferm were sleeping but suddenly a quiet roar drifted over the town. slowly but surely it got louder and louder until the roar woke up all of the potatoes but after a few minutes the loud roar began to grow quieter and quieter until it was nothing more than a whisper.
That morning spud rolled out of bed and down to the town centre. when he arrived he found the town mayor addressing the townsfolk.
" My fellow potatoes there is a major crisis sweeping potatiferm and we much address this issue. last night several potatoes were potatonaped and the reasons are unknown. we have are top potatoes on the case." so spud continued to school, finished all his potato themed school work and rushed home as fast as he could. he told his parents about the things he learned at school like the skills required to be a potato chip.
That night the roaring returned and even more potatoes went missing including the tater cops. So the next day at school the were only a few potatoes other than spud.
Thatafternoon spud decided that he would dig his way to the land of green ground. He started to dig at dusk, he was scared of what was lurking in the land above but he also knew that he had to find out what was taking the potatoes and save all potato kind!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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