The Old Bus Driver:: Chapter 21

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Stiles POV

"So you had a dream about killing Allison, but you didnt, and now the old man's dead?"

Bryn ' s hand is shaking, and her face has gone pale.

She's freaking out.

Scott nods and runs his fingers through his hair.


I'm standing inches away from her and can feel her short breathing.

"Bryn?" I ask.

What's going on?

"I can t-the much-what the hell - panic attack," She stammers and at the last two words Scott grips her hand.

"Inhaler?" He asks and she shakes her head trying to wrench her hand away from him.

Bryn ' s shaking uncontrollably and she turns to me with wide eyes.

I grab her hand on instinct and rub the middle of her thumb.

"Shh focus," I whisper to her like I did when she was little.

Bri's POV

I can't breathe.

Stiles holds my hand, rubbing my thumb comfortingly, and whispers words into my ear.

Breathe Bri, Breathe.

I haven't had a panic attack in years.

When I was little they used to be a constant thing and Stiles would always be there.

Scott says something to Stiles and Stiles nods, leading me somewhere.

"Bryn, just keep focusing, come on," Stiles whispers and he lays a hand on the base of my back.

I listen to his whispering voice and walk towards an empty class room.

Stiles POV

I lead her to an empty language arts room and seat her down at a desk.

Bryn ' s shaking and I take both of her hands in mine.

"Bryn,look at me," I say and she does stating into my eyes.

"Focus on something,"

"What?" She whispers back worriedly.

I rack my brain and think of something.

"Focus on my voice, my eyes anything,"

Bryn ' s eyes bore into mine and I have to control the blush creeping on my neck.

My thumbs instinctively rub some warmth into her cold ones and her breathing returns to normal.

She's so close to me.

"Thank you," she breaths and smiles shyly.

I cant stand it anymore.

I tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her war and cup her face.

"Anytime Bryn," I whisper and she smiles wider.

Her breath mixes with mine and she leans her face into my hand.

God she's beautiful.

"Stiles," Bryn whispers and with a boost of confidence I lean in.

Bri's POV

My heart screams yes but my instincts tell me no.

We both lean in and I don't know what's happening.

Oh my god.

"Is this okay?" Stiles whispers and I know what he's talking about.

Hell yes.

I like you.

My heart flutters when you hold my hand.

I nod slightly and he pulls me in.

Our lips meet and I'm met with a burst of electricity and heat and, of course, Adderall.

I smile into it.

We're kissing, actually kissing.

It's slow and sweet and caring.

That's Stiles.

The one who thinks stuff out, dosent rush, cares.

Our noses are touching and his palm is cupping my face.

I wrap my hands around his neck and enjoy smiling.

Stiles's other hand trails down my back, making shivers travel down my spine.

I cant belive this is happening.

We're kissing.

Stiles and me.

Shut up and enjoy it Bri.

And I do.


I know lots of you have been waiting for this so yayyy.

If this is too soon for you...oh well.

Lol I hope you like. It's a considerably long chapter so yay. Remeber I promised for a second update? Keeping promises!! Thanks for reading and I'll see you all tomorrow!



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