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I walk down these dreadful streets for what feels like forever. New York City is a sad reality compared to the city I saw in movies as a kid. It makes me miss Texas all the more.

    But my work is here in the city and after what happened I can never return to the state and city I once called home. I look down at the necklace that holds a lot of memories and a lot of hurt. The tree carved into the gold with small emeralds around the border used to mean something. I just can't remember anymore. The inscription in the back is still in bold.


    I still hear my mom's voice when I read the name. Mikarus, the mythical place mom made up. I still see her sitting in my childhood home telling me and my sister about a place in her head she made up. Waiting for Dad to come home. It was a simple time before the incident. I wish I could go back.

    My phone rings as I try to keep the memories at bay. I stuff the necklace under my shirt and answer.

    "Where are you?" comes an angry voice from the other side of the phone.

    "I am almost there Luca calm your tits," I say.

    "You know the Boss does not want to lose this guy Ace. You may think you're hot shit but even you will get a bullet between the eyes if we lose him." Luca spits into the phone. Such a frail male ego this one has. Instead of gracing this jerk with an answer I hang up.

    As I arrive at the warehouse where we are supposed to meet I see Luca leaning against barrels that are directly beside it. His six men standing at what looks like military attention beside him.

"You couldn't have hid?" I ask.

"Don't worry I hid my truck in the back. No one is in this dump anyway," he raises his fist and hits the building twice with the side of it. "Plus you're supposed to be the best at what you do."

You would think that was a compliment but by the way he said it you would have thought he smelled something bad. And if he believed it he wouldn't be talking to me that way.

I look at the warehouse where the target is meeting up with some dealers. It is almost night time so I am not worried about hiding either. This place is abandoned. That's what most of the movies get right at least. This building is a big concrete rectangle with a red roof with holes in it. The windows are all broken and a piece of sheet metal is hanging off the side. Luca starts to take out a cigarette and walks around the grounds.

He turns to the guys he brought with him, "Listen up you idiots!"

I swore I could see one of the guy's eyes twitch when he spoke. Good to know he isn't Luca's biggest fan either.

"When we get in there let Princess here do all the work and only move when I say so." He sneers. I take no offense to this. I have seen men like Luca act like this over the past eight years I have been doing this. "Just look at the way she dressed today, boys. I don't know why the boss made me work with you. Incompetent bitch."

I pull a knife out of a hidden compartment and throw it at him and it lands at the tip of his shoe. He jumps back a second later and screams a not-so-manly scream... Horrible reaction time. Luca is like so many of the men who came before him. Old, white, bald, and sleazy. He is at least 55 with a terrible combover that doesn't cover his bald head. He is not fat but also not in shape. He is also the sleaziest man I have ever met. He hates me this much because when I started working with his boss at 17 I didn't like his gross advances and embarrassed him. As for my outfit, I am wearing what I always wear. A pair of black pants, a green fitted shirt, black boots and a brown jacket. This makes me look exactly how Luca believes, unthreatening. Hidden in my jacket is an array of knives and a gun. In my boots are a gun on my right and knives on my left.

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