The Death Of, and Birth Of

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"Luke get up" Faintly but surely he thought he heard that. A few seconds later, Luke felt a cold sharp slap in the face, but the chill kept running through his body. Startled he sprang up in bed to see his little sister gigling with an empty cup in her hand. Just another typical morning in this house of hell, he thought.
For the past three years its been Luke and his little sister, living with a distant relative, truth betold they dont know exactly who he is. He came to take them in after an accident that left them alone. He is rather odd, he keeps to himself and if they seem him atleast once a week they consider themselves lucky. It does however, leave a two story high house all to themselves.
"Luke I made breakfast, just for me though so stop being lazy and get your own!" Evalyn said in a voice so sweet you would never think such atitude belonged to her.
"Thanks....I guess?" Luke said in a confused tone.
First day of senior year, something most are very happy for, expecting to party have fun and do all sorts of things. Im not one of those people. dislike the school, Actually no I hate it. To make things worse Mrs. Popular over there is becoming a freshman this year, and Im the loser brother. Too much in my head and its not even sunrise yet. Luke snapped out of his own thoughts as he poured cereal into his bowl. The rest of the morning preparations went slowly, ocasionally hearing evalyn stumble and let a few curses of pain out. She needed glasses, but there was no way she would ever let anyone know that.
When it was time to leave Luke found that Evalyn had already gone ahead in a friends car, so he was left to take the buss alone. "Alone" he thought bitterly. Luke saw that near the buss stop was a short girl, It was Ashley!
His heart racing as he stood awkwardly next to her waiting for the bus. Luke could swear that his heart would betray him and that she would soon hear his hearbeat. Of course this was all Luke's wild imagination and nerves getin the best of him. He took a glimpse at her quickly before she would notice the guy gawking right next to her. Ashley was a little shorter than he was, she had long straight deep black hair that reached her lower back, with bangs that covered one her eyes. The other which could be seen was a mixture of light brown and green, but when the sunlight reflected on them, there was a light touch of yellow in them. She was beautiful he thought, and he was right.
As time passed the air around them grew more awkward. He didnt know what to do or say, he was frozen. She on the other hand, was ocasionally looking at him, expecting him to spark up a conversation, nervous to speak to him. although he thinks of himself as a loser, and isnt the most social person in the town, he was a rather good looking man. Luke had short dark brown hair, big brown eyes, and a sort of boyish face. Although he was 18, he looked more like a kid than a man. That meant that throughout most of highschool he was either picked on by other guys, ocasionally girls too, but there was also a few that found him more atracting because of it. Sad to say he never knew the second geoup of people existed, Ashley however, was one of them.
"Luke is your name isnt it?" Ashley said as she bit her lip, thinking this was the best way to start off.
He stared into her eyes, shocked that she spoke to him, much more than that she knew his name.
"Oh uh yeah, thats what my parents named me" he blurted. Idiot! He yelled inside him at the same time.
"Im ashley Its nice to meet you" she said with a smile.
"I know" he blurted again, then realized he sounded like a creep, and facepalmed himself. She realized he was nervous, she wasnt sure why though, they were oblivious to the atraction they felt towards each other.
The bus with the door open waited as this whole scene happened, and every student in it watched, and laughed. Luke realized everyone had seen how he messed up and turned bright red. She nudged him to get in and he did and she followed. He spent the rest of the busd ride watching her, and thinking to himself, of how he screwed up the one chance he had. The buss was given a new route this year, which meant we had to pass by a river than ran across the city. The road was old, and they years could be seen on the weathered holes and edges of it. The buss bounced everytime it landed in a hole, and everyone in it bumped and fell and tripped. the road went on just like that for a good five minuted and then finally back to the main road. Sadly it wasnt the end of it since to get to the school they had to go through that road again. They finally reached the last bus stop, and before the last student fully entered the buss was on its way. This time it was on the other side of the river, the road high on a cliff. Everything seemed normal, students talking, some pointing fingers, others throwing things around, chaos which in this town, was normal. Within a split second the bus just fell to one side, the ear splitting sound of the wheels popping, and two seconds later the buss rolling on its side near the edge of a cliff. No one in the buss knew how to react, everyone was quite, and then as realization sinked in, they all in a horrible, heart breaking chorrus started yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs for their lives. As the buss hit the ground, all of the screaming stopped and for a few minutes, everything lay unmoving, and silent. Luke couldnt feel his body, couldnt feel anything and he knew what was goin on. As his body went cold, his limbs goin numb he knew, he was dying, and slowly, but surely, he did.

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