Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
“Both of your parents called. Should I ask what that’s about?” Bridget enquired the moment Piper and Shiana walked through the door.
Piper groaned, “obviously they didn’t believe a single word I said.”
“Exactly what happened?” Bridget peered between the two younger women.
“A lot,” Shiana replied.
Piper told her what had happened, and Bridget showed little surprise. Bridget smiled at the success they had, which also hadn’t surprised her much. She had expected their success, and it humbled Piper that she had so much faith in her.
“Its a good thing I told both of them that if they turned up here I’d call the police,” Bridget smiled slyly.
“You did?” Shiana chuckled.
“Yes, neither of them deserve a moment of your time.”
“I agree,” Piper said with a nod.
“Good to know,” Bridget said.
“I don’t want people in my life who only support me when they want to. That’s not how relationships work.”
“I do have another thought in my mind since they both rang,” Bridget mused.
“Which is?”
“You need to start taking care of your personal security.”
“We know. Tonight made us aware of that,” Piper agreed readily.
“Good. Other than that, I just want to say congratulations. Your night was the success that you wanted it to be.”
“It really was,” Piper beamed.
It was only later as Piper prepared to settle in for the evening that something occurred to her. She went straight over and knocked on Shiana’s door.
“Come in,” Shiana called.
Piper stood in the doorway and looked at her friend. As usual, Shiana’s beauty shone even as she slathered moisturiser on her face.
“What’s up, Pip?” Shiana asked as Piper entered and sat on her bed.
“What’s your dream, Shiana?”
“Huh?” Shiana looked at her in confusion.
“You’ve tried to make sure that I have my dreams fulfilled, but what’s yours?” Piper asked again.
Shiana peered at her friend carefully as she considered her answer. She walked over and sat beside Piper, who smiled at her.
“I’m sure you don’t want to just be around the band forever,” Piper added when Shiana went quiet.
“I intended to talk to you about this soon, but I was going to wait a little while,” Shiana replied.
“What did I enjoy at school?” Shiana asked.
“Chatting up the boys,” Piper teased.
“Okay, yes, I did thoroughly enjoy that,” Shiana chuckled, “but what else?”
“You always loved being the most fashion forward, and you often gave clothes your own flare by adjusting them. I remember when Kay despaired  over you buying a sewing machine with your sixteenth birthday money. You saw it as an investment in having a unique wardrobe that nobody else had,” Piper reminisced.
“I was thinking about doing just that to have outfits for the band. What do you reckon?” Shiana asked as she bit her lip.
Piper stared at her for a long moment, “okay. Are you sure that you don’t want to explore doing your own thing for a while?”
Shiana’s face fell, “you don’t want me as part of the band anymore.”
“Oh, no, that’s not what I meant at all,” Piper quickly protested, “I just thought you might want or have your own dreams that you want to chase.”
“So, it's still okay that I want to stay with the band?” Shiana asked cautiously.
“Yes, it is. I just wanted to give you the chance to follow your own dreams. It makes me feel selfish that I’m holding you back from who you wanted to be so that you could follow my dreams,” Piper admitted.
Shiana fell silent and peered at her friend. She slowly shook her head and smiled, allowing Piper to release a gush of relief.
“I almost lost you through the Shiana years, and I don’t want to do that again. If I want to go and try something else or go off on an adventure of my own, then I’ll do just that. You aren’t spoiling my dreams or acting in any way selfish. Maybe I’m being selfish in wanting to keep you close,” Shiana explained with a shrug.
“I guess neither of us has turned into a selfish beastie. I’m just glad that your dream, at the moment, is being a part of my dream. If you ever need that adventure, then off you go. I’ll always await the return of my friend,” Piper promised.
“Thanks,” Shiana beamed, and she pulled her friend into a hug.
“Catch you in the morning,” Piper said as she pulled away.
“I’m surprised you aren’t going to stay with Evan,” Shiana teased
Piper blushed, “I was going over there, now that you mention it.”
“Are you okay with everything that just went down?” Shiana asked.
Piper stilled, and a sigh escaped her. It had been quite a night, and she wasn’t exactly sure how she should feel about any of it. Her parents' appearance had spoiled what had been a wonderful high. The overwhelming response from the crowd was the one thing that she wanted to focus upon.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I haven’t seen them in so long, and it just shocked me,” Piper admitted.
“Yeah, they were the last people I expected to see there,” Shiana agreed.
“Of all the times for my parents to turn up.”
“Dad had something to do with it.”
“He said he was there to watch fireworks. Maybe he thought you’d lose it at your parents. Who knows? It sure didn’t conclude the way he expected,” Shiana said with a dry chuckle.
“Then that’s a good thing. Colah doesn’t deserve anything from us. We were splashed all over the media telling the truth, so my parents might have turned up just because of that. They saw an opportunity, and they took it, as simple as that,” Piper said.
“Do you think they’ll turn up all the time now?” Shiana forced herself to ask.
Piper sighed, “I hope not. The last thing we need as a band is any controversy, and it’s a drama that I don’t need in my life.”
“I’ll ring and get security organised because both of our parents know exactly where we are, and I think we’re going to need protection,” Shiana said with a nod of her head.
“Are you intending to take up your Dad’s old role?” Piper teased.
“If you become as famous as I think you’re going to be, then it’s probably not a bad idea if I become the bands manager,” Shiana mused.
“You can be our manager who makes our stage outfits.”
“Yeah, I could do that.”
“You know I was only kidding,” Piper said.
“I know, but I’m serious about it. The knowledge I have of everything you need is up here,” Shiana tapped her head.
“Didn’t I start this conversation with what do you want to do with your life? Now you’ve ended up as manager of the band,” Piper said with a broad smile.
“Yes, I think I did,” Shiana replied with a grin.
“And I’m grateful that you want to take on the job.”
The two friends grinned at each other. This new development could prove fortunate for everyone involved. The band knew Shiana and trusted her, so she was the perfect choice as their manager.
“Now go and have some naughty times with that cute boyfriend of yours,” Shiana swished her on her way.
“Shiana!” Piper exclaimed before collapsing into a giggle.
“I know what you guys are up to! I’m onto you,” Shiana pointed a cheeky finger at her, and Piper blushed.
“I never expected him,” Piper said dreamily.
“The best ones are never who we expect.”
“You’re right there. He’s one in a billion,” Piper said with a soft smile.
“I’m glad you’ve found someone to love you for the special person you are. You deserve all of the best things in the world, Pip,” Shiana said sincerely.
“So do you,” Piper replied warmly.
When her phone began to ring, Piper pulled away from her friend to peer at its screen. Kay’s number flashed up, and all of her joy flew into uncertainty.
“It’s your mum,” Piper said.
“Why would she ring you?” Shiana tried to hide her sudden hurt.
“I don’t know.”
“You might as well answer.”
Piper cleared her throat and swiped her finger against her phone, “hello, Kay,” she said when the phone answered.
“Hello, Piper.”
“Is there a reason why you called me and not your daughter?”
“I think you defeated him tonight and, I guess, I wanted you to know that,” Kay admitted.
“Defeated who? I don’t understand.”
“Colah, he rang me fuming that whatever he had planned hadn’t happened. What did he try to do tonight?” Kay asked.
“He invited my parents to the cafe where we played,” Piper replied.
Kay gasped, “he had no right to do that.”
“No, he didn’t, but he made me see that the people I have in my life now are more important than family who never bothered to notice me.”
“Are you girls alright?” Kay asked in concern.
“We’re fine,” Piper insisted as she hugged Shiana.
“Good. I think you should ring Avery because I reckon she’s about to offer you guys a contract that you’d be mad to refuse,” Kay hinted.
“You think?”
“Yes, now I’ll say goodnight and let you mull over all of this.”
Kay hung up, causing Shiana and Piper to look at each other. They stayed silent for a long moment as both of them considered the phone call.
“Looks like I’ll call Avery in the morning,” Shiana broke the silence.
“Or on Monday,” Piper said with a smile.
“Yeah, I can’t remember what day it is,” Shiana said ruefully.
“Tonight really was a success,” Piper mused.
“It really was. I love how you have totally embraced your singing now. It’s such a good thing to see.”
“I never thought I could do it. Maybe you just need people to believe in you.”
“Or you start believing in yourself,” Shiana said as she reached over and squeezed her friends hands.
“You might be right about that. Okay, I’m going over to Evan’s. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
They shared another quick hug before Piper headed for the door. A welcoming acceptance surrounded her as she ducked out of the house. What had been the worst betrayal and sense of rejection earlier in the year was now the opposite. Piper had all of the truth, and she knew her own value.
For all of the despair that she'd suffered through, now she had a wondrous peace in her life. A growing fan base who knew exactly who she was only added to that peace.
“What took you so long?” Evan asked as she walked in the door.
“Shiana and I got to talking. She’s thinking of being our manager,” Piper replied as she fell into his warming embrace, “I also had to explain to Gram why my mother decided to call for the first time in years.”
“That sounds complicated. Are you doing okay after all that happened with your parents?” he asked as he left a gentle kiss upon her lips.
“I’m fine, and I’m fine because I realised that I don’t need them. All I need is all that I have within my life,” she said with happiness that filled her heart.
“That’s unexpected, but I’m glad you feel that way. We are all here for each other.”
Piper cuddled closer and let his kisses surround her. His caring words had warmth exuding through her, making her realise exactly how lucky she was.
One night opened up a whole new world that glowed brightly for them all.

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