no más :(

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"i can't believe you're leaving me," sero mumbled as he taped up a box that was packed to the brim. y/n felt bad making him use his quirk, so she bought packs of tape for the move. y/n ended up wasting her money since sero was too lazy to find scissors to cut the tape he needed.

"you've known i had to move back for a month now," y/n huffed as she walked past sero, placing some of the full boxes in the hallway to make space. 

"yeah but now it's real," sero whined. y/n didn't reply, focusing on packing up her last few boxes so she wouldn't start crying. 

"we graduate soon," y/n spoke once she had finished up her second to last box. sero grabbed the remaining boxes and put them in the hallway. "after that i'll be at my dad's till i start college."

"i know," sero mumbled, wrapping his arms around y/n's waist and resting his head on the side of her neck, softly placing a kiss before fully putting his weight on her. "i'm just gonna miss you."

y/n nodded slowly, looking around her room as she did it. she told herself she wouldn't cry until the day she left but her boyfriend was making it oh so difficult.

"alright, you big baby," y/n softly patted sero's arms off of her, causing him to stand up and face her properly. "we've done the distance before. we'll be fine."

"yeah, but that was before we started dating," y/n frowned at sero. 

"what? are you gonna start yearning after what's his face again?" 

"y/n!" sero gasped, clutching his nonexistent pearls as he did so. "don't think so lowly of me!"

the couple began to laugh. eventually, as the laughter calmed down, y/n began tearing up.

"fuck," she chuckled as she wiped her tears. "i think missing you might kill me."

"don't say that," sero frowned as he pulled y/n into a tight hug, rubbing her back as she cried. "as corny as it sounds, i'm only a phone call away, you know. i'll drop whatever i have to for you."

sero felt y/n nod against his body and chuckled before pulling away from their hug. he held her face in his two hands and softly placed a kiss onto her forehead.

"you feeling better?"

"no," y/n wiped her face once more as a confused look grew on sero's face. "kiss me properly next time."

"yes ma'am," sero smiled as he pulled y/n into a 'proper' kiss.

no way! | 𝘩. 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘰✓Where stories live. Discover now