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They are the creations that are close and live by God they are higher beings and protect the gates some of them are warriors some are messagers they often watch over humanity as a whole they pass judgment they are more than 1 billion of them in paradise they will guide souls that are connected to the Lord and the Lord send souls that are not connected to his love and kindness away from him like sent them away with the fallen angels

Because some of us chose to live ashtray from the love of God for sins that the devil is know to set as traps on the earth  angels are full of love and are all powerful do not mock the Lord or else you will not receive judgment from him but from the angels although they can bring such love into the world they are also more cruel than the Lord himself we can connect to angels with the Lord's teaching they will not however show themselves onto you if they sense even a little bit of unclean energy

If you are one with yourself and the Lord if u accept Jesus Christ as king if u bleed and have nothing in your heart and put your faith in Christ and the Lord you will be in paradise in your empty heart they are beautiful creatures that are not human but are above humanity they are grateful to the Lord and serve and thank him for life everyday their soul is what the Lord wants us to match we must be grateful everyday for the Lord is all powerful and the maker of all of us

We must serve the Lord as angels do to become all powerful and to live in paradise in ourselves we are humans so accepting we are not good like the angels is the start of it do not hold guilt that u are not holy as an angel for we are not like them for them are the higher beings...... do not feel we cannot be like them for the Lord as written down how the Lord made humans into angels those who are fit for the power shall have the power and those who are not fit shall fall like the fallen ones 

fear the angels out of love and keep the Lord within your heart and they will love you the same way you love the Lord love the Lord and they will love you hate the Lord and they will hate you make a enemy of the Lord and they will be your enemy we must be like them.... in every way even if we are not we must try if we do trying is a lot better than not as if you are trying you will be more into the holy Spirit than not trying all I ask for the Lord's creation us humans is to try even if it's just one second and improve it as the days go by one second one day two second the next and continue to put on seconds as each day passes until you reach an hour and go pass that hour in the name of Christ we can and we will be powerful and as loving as an angel 

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