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god has a sister?
    let's start with what we can work with the idea of the Lord having a sister that he is not the only one but a sister that controlled the darkness and void is an interesting discussion however we do not have proof of such things still it's a interesting concept the only thing that

the Lord said that maybe lend to it is for Lucifer had a light in him. that was not of the Lord for if u think that Lucifer had the light of his sister you would make a good argument for

Lucifer was made by the Lord for he rejected the light of his creator for the darkness of his sister for it some sense liked the light of his sister more than him for his creator loved him for he sought more power than what he made for even if he did get it he will not be fulfilled

the world is corrupted by Lucifer begone for you are not of the Lord's grace I said unto sin he made peace with his sister by now so Lucifer is not of his sister light for even if u accept his sister there's no way to tell if his sister is real

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