Welcome to Wattpad!
Do you find it tricky to navigate Wattpad sometimes? We know it's a big place but don't worry, we have you covered.
This book consists of helpful resources that should help answer some of those burning questions, like, What if...
Anything you see with the icon 🔗is a link. Click on those, and you will be directed to helpful places.
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HowToUseWattpad is a profile run and maintained by a group of Wattpad Ambassadors, who are volunteers. While we may not know the answer to everything, do feel free to leave questions you should have in the comments. We'll try to answer to the best of our ability.
Before you ask your question, please consider going through this guidebook's additional chapters, as you may find your answer there.
Additionally, these are questions we're often asked. We would like to refer you to these pages for quick access
(1) "I'm unable to log in with my Gmail address," ╰➤ 🔗Answer
(2) "I don't get send verification or password emails?" ╰➤ 🔗Answer
(3) "Stories have gone missing from my Library or Reading List, why?" ╰➤ 🔗Answer
(4) "Why is some text missing from my story draft?" ╰➤ 🔗Answer